You probably know that \"roid rage\" is largely a myth, and you know that there's a big difference between use and abuse.Still, the debates rage on, even if the users do not. I have read over and over that test e must be run at least 10 weeks since it takes long to see effects. 250 mg is not just above a high natty lmao. Hi Finally decided to go and cruise on 250mg test e a week, and planning to run aromasin alongside from the beginning to take zero risk with E2. i'm considering 250mg for 10 weeks as a first cycle. Took a stack at 22 years old. Thanks -Dave. Happily discussing all things related to the safe usage of AAS, TRT or hormone replacement with the exception of sourcing information. Your making FRONTAL lobe gains bro! The reason isn't some subjective evaluation of "having earned it", it's the fact that if you are still new (regardless of age), you almost certainly do not have good habits ironed in with diet, consistency, and goal oriented programming yet. In my mind this is missing the point of why it's advised to cycle after years of natural lifting. Now in the last week of pct (6 weeks post cycle), my balls are huge and I can have sex with my girl 4 times over a span of 6 hours with no problem. My last cycle I ran a test prop cycle at 350mg per week on top of my trt of 150mg of test cyp per week for 8 weeks. I picked up 350mg test-e for a 10 week cycle. I am 5'10, 185 lbs, and around 10-12% BF. Or should i wait and get another bottle. Split: 6 days on, 1 day off. Read the rules to learn how to become an approved submitter. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I have elevated blood pressure, oily skin and sensitive nipples. I am planning on running my first cycle and Im looking for some input/help - not criticism. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Lost about a inch on my waist. It has now been almost 6 weeks since last injection, 4 weeks since start of pct, and I now weigh 179 at 13% bodyfat. Yeah pre testosterone my estrogen was was 20. The second one includes an oral kickstarter, Dianabol. 200 mg a week puts me well over any reasonable natty. Happily discussing all things related to the safe usage of AAS, TRT or hormone replacement with the exception of sourcing information. Just interested in your opinions. If I was you I'd try and keep your E2 where it was pre cycle. Blast at 500 and cruise at 200. First link is 4 months before cycle (keep in mind that I did workout in those 4 months virtually everyday so I did make some gains before the cycle: Id say I was around 170 lbs but less body fat at the start of the cycle than in the first picture), links two and three are at the end of my cycle, the fourth picture is 2 weeks after last injection, the fifth link is 4 weeks after last injection, the 6th and seventh link were taken yesterday at almost 6 weeks after last injection. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. As you can see ive lost about 2 pounds since the end of the cycle which could just be water weight idk. I started this cycle at the end of August/beginning of September and ran it for 10 weeks. My blood work is on point. I went from 145 to 175lbs. Please let me know if you have any questions or thoughts. Legit when girls see me now it's always a easy conversation starter about how much bigger I am now and from there u just change the topic and don't bring up working out or ur physical appearance at all after that... Makes u seem less like a meat head. /r/PEDs is dedicated to information about enhancing performance. It was the best overall cycle I've ever had. Because in the first photo you look very skinny and like you haven’t touched a weight in your life and like a 15 year old kid. I went all out carb crazy on this cycle and ate all I could stand. The first 4 weeks after cycle I felt decent, sex drive went back up a little bit, no trouble getting erections just lasted a lot longer in bed. I think my Estradiol is to high and i will start taking my AI today. I'm about to turn 30 I've been on for like 26 weeks at 250 test e a week. If you're going to cycle I wouldn't use such a piddly dose. I'm not running any ai. T Nation readers probably have more informed views. Especially when test is part of the cycle, as is the case in the existing post. Especially if you're in this for the long haul. He's not running it just for 10 weeks though he's long term like me, he's also 43 years old. Once you inject the devil's juice in you, you won't want to look back. 250mg test cycle reddit The blood work just said estradiol serum, it's was the female hormone panel from private md labs. Try and get everything else down, diet, training, recovery and sleep, and maybe hop on again on your 25th birthday as a gift to yourself. 11. Stats: 19 y/o (will be 20 in less than 2 weeks), 6 foot 1-2 inches, Diet (both on-cycle and off): 3600 Calories Daily, Macros (rough): 400-450g carbs, 225-245g protein, 80-100g fat. So you bought a 10ml vial of test at 250mg per ml/cc . Then the second photo much more muscular?? Works for me. At least wait until much later in your life, because even if I have or will recover perfectly and keep my gains, everyone reacts differently and your story could be much worse. Sounds like your situation was a horrible idea, but OP took a much smarter approach than you... not that I support it either way. I had great results from 250mg test / 350mg tren. Read the rules to learn how to become an approved submitter. Dosage is totally dependent on the user. Good on you for the write up tho and the realization that you probably shouldn’t have done it. Cycle: Test E 500/mg weekly for 10 weeks (250mg e3.5d), PCT: Clomid 75/50/50/50 Nolva 40/40/20/20, Before/End of Cycle/Current Physique Pics (See links at end of post). Press J to jump to the feed. I started this cycle at the end of August/beginning of September and ran it for 10 weeks. Before/End of Cycle/Current Physique Pics (See links at end of post) On Cycle Important Notes. Here is my blood work nearly 10 weeks of test e cycle. Overcharged me for gear, paid over $700 for what was likely $400 worth. Took much longer for me to get an erection with my girlfriend and my balls were definitely smaller, much smaller. if you added 250mg eq to 250 test ew you will still have mush of the anabolic effect without as much of the androgenic sides you may have with 500mg test although 500mg test shouldn't give you much trouble. 160/ wk divided into 2 doses puts me at 600 with labs done 3 days after an injection (180/wk puts me near 1000). There may be people who are dialed in within a year of lifting but they're the exception. Oboseala poate fi o reactie naturala a efortului depus de organism Care este diferenta dintre consecintele firesti ale solicitarii si sindromul oboselii cronice O afectiune serioasa si greu de diagnosticat. Try to get bloods every 3 months. Thank you for reading. Shoulda just went all in and been a fake natty, get sponsored by gymshark, start a clothing company and be a millionaire before 30. Thanks. Thank you in advance. Honestly the stupidest fuckin thing I have ever done in my life. I don't think you should have run a cycle at your age, but I also don't subscribe to the idea that you need to "earn" steroids by being a certain muscularity and bodyfat percentage before you hop on based on other people's subjective opinions. Should I run ai if so how much? You’ll also find users that switch out Dbol for Anadrol or Turinabol.Same goes for Deca, some people prefer Equipoise.. It’s also advised to have an Anti Estrogen (AI) compound on hand such as Arimidex or Arimistane.. A Testosterone Enanthate cycle will always be followed by a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT). I got on the juice at like 24 ish and after my first cycle I just imagined how jacked I could have been at 19-20 if I was juicing.... Hope u pick up and smash as many bitches as possible now that ur bigger. Discussing sources will get you banned. 250iu of HCG: 3 times a week. Either bump it to 500, or add in another compound like tren. Posted by 2 months ago. Im sure ill do another cycle in my life, but I want to stay off for the next 5-10 years and see where I can get naturally. It can fuck everything up. Not outright dangerous, but any more than that you would have to periodically come off. But it is still not worth it. Sorry i shouldve mentioned, the first picture (the before pic) is about 4 months before the cycle. Over the past 26 weeks I've went from 22 percent body fat to 18 but my diet wasn't always on point. This is above recommended TRT dosage, but not ludicrously so. Maybe a week or two worth. I did get a bit of gyno, even though I took arimidex eod .5mg, I think the arimidex helped keep some of the bloat away although Im not sure. Sorry I might have missed it, had you lifted at all before starting gear? Much better gains and sustainable long term in my opinion. Havent really had a problem with acne throughout my life, but on-cycle and still post-cycle I have bad acne on my back (bad for me at least). Either bump it to 500, or add in another compound like tren. He told me straight up I would have to hop on, so of course I trusted someone who was at one time a successful bodybuilder, to guide me the right way. Cycle: Test E 500/mg weekly for 10 weeks (250mg e3.5d) PCT: Clomid 75/50/50/50 Nolva 40/40/20/20 Before/End of Cycle/Current Physique Pics (See attached) On Cycle Important Notes I started this cycle at the end of August/beginning of September and ran it for 10 weeks.

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