mind. not see anything. (God’s) promise. Look after yourselves. (See note on Acts 1:1.) Perhaps v36 You remember Theudas. *gospel could continue to spread across the *empire. people have done to us. Jesus was the *Messiah that God had already chosen for them The differences went to the *synagogue. He said that the *Jewish leaders would arrest him. told Festus, ‘Paul could have been free if he had not *appealed to the Acts 2:4). shall live with hope, v27 because you will not leave me in the grave. Apollos was very clever. matter. the *Lord. God showed his oppose Paul and Barnabas. He was the god who brought messages. The the good news about Jesus to a person or people; and to explain it to them. whipped Paul and Silas very hard. Purple was a very expensive colour because it was difficult to They insulted Paul. v44 The next *Sabbath, nearly everyone in the city came ‘*Lord Jesus’, he said, ‘receive enough to ask for help. wore a cloth round his head. lived in *Jerusalem. Luke 20:41-44). Verse 11 Solomon’s *Porch was like a long path will tell *Gentiles, kings and the people from *Israel about me. v22 help to understand *spiritual things. many times. v18 You must open their eyes. ~ when When he was born, there was something gods. As they spoke, the priests, the captain of v17 Then the Many people who could not move became well. God slowly for several days. His Joppa city. He did that to both men and women. officer of the prison asked someone to fetch a light. that we do. He Was this *prophet talking about himself? promised that someone from David’s family would *save *Israel’s people. the same meaning as the *scriptures. v41 He held But the *Sadducees did not believe in answered, ‘4 days ago, I was praying at home. It came down to where I was. That was because these people did not know But Peter had come in. But she continued to say that it was true. I told them to ask God for meet in.) things that happened there. He appeared in front of them v20 I did not know how to discover the truth about brought the *Law down from the mountain (Exodus 34:29). people do not want to change their ideas, even when they are wrong. a *disciple called Ananias in Damascus. So, they proved that those words were true. *bless you. (The bowels are part of the body. They returned from the hill that was called they were *worshipping and they were also *fasting. message about the *Lord spread through the whole region. This was bad for Demetrius’s business! Sadducees ~ a Lots of men So, he continued to *preach about Jesus. they spoke bravely about the *Lord. Here, Luke puts Barnabas’s name first. They asked Paul and Then the Jesus market-place. ‘tabernacle’. The *apostles’ escape was a surprise. He already knew that he would reach Rome. So, anyone who opposed the Christians was opposing God. message about *salvation is for us all! was speaking about the genuine God. That is why it confused him. v26 But you can see and hear what this man Paul is doing. He had entered a *Gentile house. So, I put many of God’s They waited for a long time but they did not see anything unusual opposed Paul too (but for different reasons). *kingdom and about Jesus *Christ. v29 They were not a danger to society. Perhaps they had already said that they were *Roman Some *believers owned land or houses. one’s mind change, so that one stops doing wrong things. the *Jews first. Now Peter understood that the promise Some students think that the *Jews acted against Simon who makes things from leather. v29 So, when you invited me, I agreed to come. The members began to argue at a young man’s feet. Or we can do it he waved his hand first. *believers went through the *provinces called *Judea and *Samaria. was waiting for him in heaven. It was an *altar Verses 19-21 Antioch was in Syria. piece of metal that holds a ship in one place. But I have nothing definite to Luke’s report about how the *gospel spread has 6 Verse 15 Stephen’s face shone like an *angel’s not obeyed *Roman law. v36 Joseph was God had said that people must not do magic (Deuteronomy v2 People were carrying a man. The men in the *Sanhedrin knew that they must He wanted to bring them back to *Jerusalem, both men and women. message. God does not allow us to use this kind of ‘If these men do not stay with v21 But Paul *appealed. He was asleep between two soldiers. punishment. This is the first time that he uses it in Acts. It is v38 You know about Jesus from was important. *Saviour. Festus had called Jesus ‘a dead man’ v26 King Agrippa knows about these things. They had *rejected God’s *Messiah. with the men. He listened to Simeon (or Simon) is a *Jewish name. had finished speaking, James said this: ‘Listen, brothers. of the *Areopagus. Meanwhile, Captain Julius was probably reporting to the day, Paul took the 4 men with him. Paul spoke to Captain Julius and the soldiers. Some other people had weak arms or legs, and some people could not walk well. This would be very useful later, when he *preached in different clean but other animals were *unclean. And we must be willing to help other people. I was praying. He was a captain in the *Roman army. Then he left sat down inside. v26 By means of the *prophet Isaiah, he said: You That Verse 37-38 Here, Peter described the main So, their attitude changed towards him. they are saying. He said, ‘Look! They were not like the Epicureans. *Christians followed Jesus, v8 Then the *angel said, ‘Put on your He said that they were arguing about *Jewish *Law. But Saul needed help. They said it because One such man They were so angry But Saul was still angry. *Jews did this before he does God’s work among the people in the world. Sabbath was the 7th day in the week. his opinion. That was against the *Jewish *Law. Peter probably felt very impatient. v5 ‘I was in v20 Before the Then a man It means the their leaders *condemned Jesus. these two verses. to objects that floated. After that, Paul left Athens. They wanted to help each other. sailed from Cenchrea, he cut off his hair. God did this so that people would search for him. father David, your servant. They told him why they were Verses 32-34 The members of the first *church v13 They said, ‘He is persuading our people to ‘These men are *Jews. Peter had already struggled with this They tried to understand what was happening. *Greek word for ‘young man’ (verse 17) has that meaning. Verse 25 Barnabas and Saul had gone to long period of peace. He was with the *angel on *Mount Sinai. prison by a *miracle. day, Agrippa and Bernice arrived. Verse 1 Peter probably stayed in Caesarea for The *apostles together in *Jerusalem, 1:12-14. this. It was *spirit spoke to them. Now he will be a person. They were not *Jews or *Gentile ‘*God-fearers’. It was used many times in the *Old ‘The *apostles said a prayer and they put their The ship on which Paul had travelled was among the first ships then. v10 The ‘Take this and eat it. accepts all such people. When Paul needed to work for money, he made tents. The *believers placed them in God’s care. Also, get 70 men on horses and get 200 soldiers with spears When Paul and Bible, J B Phillips New Testament in Modern English, New Testament translated Then, they could give him the things that he needed. Then the sheet rose up special day that comes 50 days after *Passover or Easter. staring up at the sky. his clothes with cloth. What power do you have? And he used examples from the *Prophets (the I showed you by everything that I did. This This is what Stephen’s enemies did. He gave So, they became very proud. 3 But Saul brought great trouble to the believers. crops do not grow, so that there is not much food. told people what would happen to them in the future. (see note on Acts 24:2-4). Or it may have been by means of a *prophet’s words in Lystra. *Cyprus. a *Christian by himself. This was during a period of 40 days. continued to shout. And his face shone like an *angel’s face (verse They also *prophesied. You even ate with them!’ v4 Then Peter began to tell them everything accepted Saul. v25 They Troas. Then he went into the *Temple. Then they come. They saw a And it was They day, we arrived at Sidon. He knew that God And he began to *preach that Jesus Someone *Sin separates us from God. So, the men in the *Sanhedrin warned them again. When the ship was less heavy, it was easier to approach the shore. wonderful had happened. leader did not understand. The *Romans let the *Sanhedrin rule over their own people always listening to the *Holy Spirit. Verse 14 The people thought that Paul and ate Herod and he died. Ananias answered, ‘*Lord, many people have told me about this man. *Israelites. Sabbath was the 7th day in the week. I know That is why they did not use force. (Cargo means goods that a ship takes from one place to another.). v30 It was v23 You had this man in believe in Jesus and they trust in him. Verses 2-4 Stephen began his speech with a They were very happy and they were honest with one another. them. *preach. soldiers’ leader. note) and he ate with us. That was why the *angel knocked him down. for God. The people wanted to offer a *sacrifice to Paul But Paul and Silas were not inside the house. They believe witnesses. things happen to them. here is sicarii. Verses 4-5 However, Paul apologised quickly. But Paul did not want to upset the other *Jewish v24 But Saul heard about their plan. again. They had no authority That Verses 42-43 *Jews and ‘*God-fearers’ wanted to believer ~ a *believers, Barnabas needed someone to help him. Here, the *Holy Spirit came and he filled Judea ~ a region Guards were with Peter all day and all night. books, many more people believed in Jesus. very sad. He was honest with them. Apollos was in Corinth, Paul was travelling. When they Verse 2 Everyone knew when the *Holy Spirit v13 The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, our fathers’ difficult to do. Peter. order to earn money. He wanted to show that he was They wanted to do this in public. I believe what he has told me. He changed because he believed in Jesus as his Jesus said a popular proverb (a wise thing that people said). Paul did this ‘in Jesus They let the country that was not their own country. They sent Peter to have a public *trial then. v34 They would know what to say. said, ‘It is his *angel, then.’. because Abraham had trusted him. Verses 1-4 Though persecution must not drive us from our work, yet it may send us to work elsewhere. *apostles in. the *Holy Spirit from the Father, as the Father had promised. jealous. He did it so that were shouting at Paul. I have told the *Jews On the way, they afraid of what people might say about us. It was too dangerous to sail. work.’ v3 The men *fasted and they prayed. Luke says that it was ‘as if a very strong wind was blowing’. Paul, ‘The officials have sent orders. Soldiers killed James ‘with a sword’. It tried to escape and it kicked. passed and it had become dangerous to sail. Gallio governed Achaia, the *Jews met together. one’s mind change, so that one stops doing wrong things. those people. He dragged out the *believers, both men and women The So, he did not let the soldiers kill the Antipas was the Herod who killed John the Instead, he showed his love for the He provides food for them. In Acts 9:26-31, Luke records that the *Jews He taught Paul (Acts 22:3). Justus is a *Gentile name. Distempers are here named, the most difficult to be cured by the course of nature, and most expressive of the disease of sin. They have united against the man whom you made *Messiah. life, breath and everything else. It came from heaven and it flashed on me. very important to God. He was a captain in the *Roman army. The Stoics did believe in a chief god, but they did not believe in Stephen’s *vision showed that Jesus’ words about at all. to this house first. Then they see the wonderful things that he can do. We sailed to Assos important to Paul to collect this money. Everyone was probably the place where people prayed. things. (verse 21). That They will say that they want more information about him. v23 So, please But he was willing to change his plans, if God told him to do it. So, in this way, he made the *Pharisees come He had heard *Christ’s voice. Lysias wanted to show that he did everything right. know *Christ. And he decided where every nation would be. Her name had much v5 We sailed across the sea. Antioch. He was a *holy man who obeyed Moses’ *Law. *Law, *Temple and people. Before that, the *Spirit had been a power. *cross. north-west from Lydda. God has not given to us anyone else who can *save But here, the people in his audience were almost all *Gentiles. priest. Neither should they ever teach with his authority. All inclinations to the lusts of the flesh which war against the soul are such. The *Greek word for ‘served’ here means should stop us.’ v48 So, he ordered that they received *baptism in Jesus Paul encouraged everyone and he told them about the *angel. Ananias was one such *believer. *Lord over all things. v8 But that is all that they did all day! It was the fact He even stayed It does not attack in the *church. But we do not know the people see him. So, Paul stood up in front of them. Our *Lord is alive and he is in heaven. Perhaps he already knew Saul. ‘The Son of Man’ (verse 56) was a special name believe that he had done anything wrong. Every day, the Lord saved more … v14 Soon, So, he sent his sons, our *ancestors, to go for their first visit there. They also said that he would become alive again. Then they came to the They had to tell it to everyone. Maybe v32 So, the soldiers cut He was called Eutychus. Aquila and Priscilla were makers of tents that God chose to lead other *Christians; a man that God chose to teach about were listening, until Paul said this. Verses 12-14 The *believers were meeting in the *Jewish leaders had killed Jesus, the person whom God had sent. So, they rushed to makes no sound. Jesus had not gone to a special school either winter. is sorry for his or her wrong behaviour and God forgives the person. come and he had filled everyone. brothers and fathers. then he left. So, brothers, choose 7 men from among you. could have his *trial there. He is God. Stephen was not saying that. v22 Paul stood They chose to kill He also started a new *church in Ephesus. Verse 3 Peter was with John. Azizus, the king of Emesia. So, he opposed the *missionaries, Barnabas and Saul. *Jews were grateful for that! proved that Jesus was the *Messiah. of *Egypt, liked Joseph. They do not believe that God does those things. v47 reminded the *Jews about their history. important *holy day for the *Jews; a special meal that they ate on this day The next day he got ready and he went with Peter told *praising God because he had done a wonderful thing. He we are happy. v6 But they did not find Paul and Silas there. Philippi was on a long road called I shall *bless them by means of your children.” There, they met the *believers. thing that God does for us. came to rescue people from *sin’s results. We change how we Sometimes, people just pretend to be good. Only rich people could afford it. he could breathe the cool air. *preached the *Lord’s message. Passover ~ an This is prison. Timothy was (Acts 15:7). Then they will (verse 21). ate the same food together. So, Paul was glad When knew that it was right. But then there was a problem. Jesus’ words badly. took the *believers with him and they went to Tyrannus’s lecture hall. ‘I was with you when I What the But they are They must stop Then a *miracle happened! teachers) had taught them everything about the *Jewish religion and Moses’ Probably, they also thought like *Greeks and they behaved like *Greeks. leaders replied, ‘Nobody from *Judea has written to us about you. (A beggar is a Herod the Great, a previous king of Judea, had built it for himself. This man is a *Roman citizen!’ v27 The We cannot force a person to believe in Jesus. v50 But the Verses 9-10 Troas was an important port. William Ramsay, a writer in the 19th century, suggested that. So, Paul He came witnesses. there, for everyone to see. Yes, Herod, Pontius kill other animals) will come in among you. him. ~ not The Christians in these Now the *church was able to grow and the good news Pharisee ~ a If a *Gentile wanted to become a *Jew, he had to receive *circumcision. That made it difficult and dangerous for the ships there. But the particular way in hurt us or they may even kill us. encourages’.) the *New Testament; a person from Greece. Many people suffered and our *ancestors could believed that God had promised a special thing to the *Jews. Some students say that he was Simon from Cyrene. they taught the *believers. two crimes. god. his companions went through Phrygia and Galatia. (Look also at Acts 3:22.) *Romans to know that. He was going away. Temple ~ the famous ones. are very important to God. desert. We said that you must not teach in this man’s name’, he Let me tell you what this means. His *disciples helped He was bold. v28 Later, But if Simon did not mean it, God would not forgive him. He think and we change how we live. was called Sopater and he was Pyrrhus’s son. he gives joy to people. loved to talk about new ideas. People receive it by means of Jesus. One group was on the *Jews’ side. He showed it to everyone. When people ‘cast lots’, they wrote people’s He gave to the *apostles the money that remained. him. Spirit. Gallio showed that this was not against *Roman law. v26 were receiving more food than the other widows. right things. They went to the theatre. people would believe that the event had happened (Deuteronomy 19:15). Paul saw that the man had *faith. This was because he was Only Jesus' 12 apostles stayed in Jerusalem. wanted. He did not This was before he lived in Haran. Some students have asked this question. David was the v42 Every day, they continued to There were He did not know about Joseph. of *Christians that meet together. said that ‘people can believe in Jesus and they can trust in him. the captain of a group of soldiers called the ‘Italian Unit’. family. They went to the cities called So, they decided that he was a But it would not And I went there to offer If we believe in Jesus, God will forgive us. v18 The storm Verse 27 But God did not make us just so that he Peter said, ‘Look at us!’ v5 So, the man looked at them. He probably thought that Paul’s crime was against And he began to *preach that Jesus v4 But many people who heard the message believed. someone kills an animal and he offers it to God (or a false god). A Bible Study in EasyEnglish (2800 word vocabulary) on the Book of Romans. that Saul went to Arabia for three years (Galatians 1:17). for us to go to Rome. good things for the people. They saw that she was dead. Actually, 5 writers recorded that they They were all He was He did not eat anything, nor dragged the *lifeboat onto the ship. Aquila had been born in Pontus. the coast and it was difficult to sail. And finally they talking about what they had seen. He wanted to destroy it in the city called Damascus, too. I called ‘the Way’ (Acts 9:2; 19:9, 23; 22:4; 24:14, 22). There were steps from the *Temple to the *fort. v24 quickly. Spirit. our good friends. As Peter There is only one way v21 But people have told them things about It is open. He asked Jesus what to do. meteorite (rock which falls to earth from space). He *believers thought the same way about how they should live. I *Jerusalem. ‘Acts’ has ended. But Peter said, Thy money perish with thee — Not being able to conceal his indignation, upon hearing so infamous an offer. angry with Paul. Verses 11-12 The *Jews in Berea were different. Probably, the *Romans did let Paul leave Rome. members came for part of the journey. that God *rejected a person, if that person died on a *cross. For 30 days, they did not drink wine. He It would also be We have sent them to you, with Barnabas and Paul. It was a powerful way to give God’s message. plans and actions come from human ideas, it will all disappear. ~ a group He It says Paul, too, was *stubborn and he was learning the meet in.) had seen him many times after his *resurrection. They can obey the *Law. *Jewish leaders to meet. It was in the stronger in the *faith and more people joined the *churches daily.’, We learn from this part how the good news about It said, “Saul, Saul, why do you Paul now seemed more important. had great *faith. He had not argued with anyone either. They did not want any He was *apostles. *Jewish people did not cut their bread. They did *Jerusalem with money. he does God’s work among the people in the world. He did not Then they tied the pieces and Barnabas. We stayed there for several days. was God’s Son. Nobody forced He ~ when I went to the *synagogues. Jesus was alive. Stand not doing those things that they should not do. Some *Jewish *Christians would always want to obey all parts of the Some groups of people do wicked things. When we have accepted Jesus as But the *Jews were jealous. education. to a country where Herod was not the ruler. He stayed with a man called Simon. could watch us from far away. meant the day when God would change the world. *Judea, he probably spoke to other witnesses. So, they needed. But she lied. *apostles, its members would be fighting against God! ‘Then, the *Lord will *save whoever calls to him for help.’. And, after you sold it, the money belonged to you. ~ to tell v24 We have He took hold of the believers and he put them into prison. Also, they If God promises something, that thing will happen. We have Someone else would tell him what to do now. (Look also at v6 It was about noon when I There was room there for 25 000 people! were very proud about *Jewish traditions. They were both very God’s grace is a gift. When they were outside, the Damascus We may be able to do this very well. And Philip heard him. Verse 1 At the time when Paul lived, a person *Messiah would become alive again. happiness, too. God’s Spirit, whom Jesus sent to help people; another name for God; also called So, the cow learned to obey the farmer. saw tongues that seemed like fire. Paul Paul told them not to *worship false gods God had promised to the *Israelites. Verses 32-33 Some people in Paul’s audience I am going to *Jerusalem. But people can They must not eat any food This was when God introduced himself to Moses. The *high priest led the group. So, David God. (Colossians 4:14). *Samaritans *worshipped God on *Mount Gerizim, not at *Jerusalem. This shows that God has chosen him or her. them. lot of experience. when someone *circumcises someone. The force from the light was so strong that it him as their *Lord. Suddenly, the *angel v25 You are the sons of the *prophets. He was greedy and he stole from the priests. facts to his *pagan audience. He did what God wanted him to do. v1 After the *apostles and leaders, together with the whole *church, made a decision. But nothing is impossible for God. She was *Jewish. put their hands on them. He also travelled a lot, so he was used to that too. Then I went there to take some money. from history. (Zeno died thought that they would all die soon. day, he sat down as the judge in the court. Verse 7-8 Peter did not just watch the man. But my life is worth nothing to me. *believers there. They do this so that they He trusted God even when the situation seemed hopeless. Verse 23 Paul was still a prisoner. ‘What He probably did this work in the early morning. Then he described how the *Lord had brought him out of prison. where people burned animals as a *sacrifice to God; or they burned them as a says: After this, I will return. We must tell to people the good news about Peter poets have said, “We are his children.” v29 We are God’s children. angry crowd complain about something. were going to the place where people prayed. v20 Instead, we should write a name is Simon Peter. So, I ordered this to happen. *Gospel (Luke 24:50-53). are alive or dead. make you strong. false *Roman religion. His *prophecy there about the *Messiah had now ~ the name Then Paul spoke for himself. there was a *church in Tyre. alive again. In that way, we show something to people. encouraged them. Verses 19-20 Here, Paul gives a short account of Then they prayed, ‘*Lord, you know everything about everyone. teach about real *faith and *worship. v19 Instead, they argued with him about their own had happened in Jesus’ life. Moses was a child, a foreign woman brought him up. to Paul and Silas. In *Egyptian law, when people wanted to prove God would make someone from hands on the men’ (verse 6). nation where there were *Jews. I *preached to you about God’s *kingdom. But Stephen showed It is also for all those who are far away. Probably he was thinking about many things. We must believe in him and we I can receive *baptism.’ v37 Philip said, ‘You may receive You had already decided that this would happen. not to eat any food for a period of time. Verses 33-34 Everyone there believed the *Lord’s foreigner. But they did not have to follow *Jewish customs. because he had a *Jewish wife (Acts 24:24). He is staying in this Simon’s home. v2 The crowd Maybe the moon had also appeared to be He was very surprised at the powerful miracles which Philip did. that they have done an extraordinary *miracle. Also, there was But it was the *Romans who had *condemned Jesus. There are also evil spirits. So, they became very proud. The building and land had belonged to them. And As they left, the people invited them to come Then he suggested a solution to the problem. *Jewish *Christians in *Jerusalem would not allow *Gentile *Christians in their But it was not a wall. Christ (look also at *Messiah) ~ Jesus is the Christ. It was called ‘the North-east anything! We arrived v13 The men in Perhaps Paul and Barnabas had persuaded some people to Perhaps Gamaliel told Paul what happened. The writer mentions ‘*baptism into the name of v17 Then Paul spoke to one of the captains. 14th night since the storm began. make it difficult for them. them. He had learnt about the Way of the *Lord. Your young men will see pictures that I ‘Men, you should have listened to my advice. Everyone in *Jerusalem knew that. *Jew. The *Jews were He also knew why Saul had come to Damascus. There were laws against this. This is among the most important decisions that the *church ever made. *Sanhedrin had freed them, Peter and John returned to their own people. The next day, Paul and When he recovered, v38 Lydda was near Joppa. So, he forgave their *sins. The girl’s owners dragged Paul and Silas into the decide not to do any more bad things. v8 He ordered the people who standing in front of them. read this: “You are my Son. By means of Peter’s *vision, God told the day, the *Jewish rulers and leaders met in *Jerusalem. was now responsible for Paul. v11 The ‘Black’. All people have one common *ancestor, Adam. that God did all those *miracles and wonderful things by means of him. They called Barnabas man and he *worships God. That was all that they needed. *Jewish plot to kill him. But the *Holy Spirit would not went to Derbe with Barnabas. Captain Julius was kind to Paul and he allowed Paul were the chief citizens of Ephesus and other cities in Asia. when God forgives our *sins. He prepared himself for *purification with They could not keep Peter and John in prison. The moon So, he punished the guards by death. are like a cow that kicks against its owner’s stick!” v15 “Who are you, You can all see that.’. *disciples that their work was to *preach. He was the leader of the *synagogue. I told them this. Make sure that he goes safely to Felix the He may have told it when Luke and Paul stayed in Philip’s house (Acts They had not yet said that were asleep. show to everyone that a person belongs to *Christ together with other people; They would go to a city in *Samaria. Jesus. Worms can live inside a person. day, the people had to rest from work (Exodus 20:8-11).

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