Moved to write, I got up at four, and while I finished before my usual 7 am posting time, I needed to sit awhile with this before pressing “publish.”. “When you travel,A new silenceGoes with you,And if you listen,You will hearWhat your heart wouldLove to say.”. I have “professional” support. And in response, I have lost mine. Welcome back. I have dear friends, near and far. 2 I arise today In the name of Silence Womb of the Word, In the name of Stillness Home of Belonging, In the name of the Solitude Of the Soul and the Earth. This is the time to be slow, In mid-April, a month into the global COVID-19 lockdown, they talked about loneliness and its huge physical and emotional toll on social connection. Share this quote: Like Quote. While I’ll never definitively know, because the blood work done in December was before we knew of the virus, I do know I don’t remember ever having felt so wretched and exhausted for so long, and thankfully, none of the people I encountered during that period became ill. After the brilliant, brittle cold last month, how will long-range forecasts of mid teen and low twenties temperatures feel? May the clarity of light be yours. Grief. I completed a contract in January, filed the report a couple of weeks ago. Just as we are and continue to be. Where the air will be kind Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. As I’m writing this, I feel my body sigh in relief, with recognition. Time will come good; And I bow down, participate and attentive it is so dense and apparent. As your eyes focus on each face, May your soul take its imprint, Drawing each image within As companions for the journey. John O’Donohue (1956 – 2008) was an Irish poet, author, priest, and philosopher who is best known for popularizing Celtic spirituality. New places that have never seen you Will startle a little at your entry. The practical. However, the experience of self-discovery, psychological integration, and spiritual growth can happen to us only when our desire draws us out of our shells and toward the precarious and life-giving sanctuary of another heart.”, “May I have the courage today To live the life that I would love, To postpone my dream no longer But do at last what I came here for And waste my heart on fear no more.”, “1 Somewhere, out at the edges, the night Is turning and the waves of darkness Begin to brighten the shore of dawn The heavy dark falls back to earth And the freed air goes wild with light, The heart fills with fresh, bright breath And thoughts stir to give birth to color. As the scout for some of the travelling I do with my husband, I’m delighted to be stepping back into the familiar, while anticipating the fresh and new with him. For an Addict, by John O'Donohue € On its way through the innocent night the moth is ambushed by the light, becomes glued to a window where a candle burns its whole self, its dreams of flight and all desire trapped in one glazed gaze. “Allow your loneliness timeTo dissolve the shell of drossThat had closed around you;Choose in this severe silenceTo hear the one true voiceYour rushed life fears:Cradle yourself like a childLearning to trust what emerges,So that graduallyYou may come to knowThat deep in that black holeYou will find the blue flowerThat holds the mystical lightWhich will illuminate in youThe glimmer of springtime.”. In To Bless the Space Between Us, his compelling blend of elegant, poetic language and spiritual insight offers readers comfort and encouragement on their journeys through life. Whether we are moving or being still or moving while cultivating stillness, I strive to create the conditions for each individual to find spaciousness within. The focus and energy shifts to us, together, to us, alone, in new spaces, and made new by our travelling them together. Then, imperceptibly, somewhere one bug opens and the symphony of renewal is no longer reversible. The simple pleasures of tending to Annie. Receive what the heart would love to say, to see. But as the twelve days passed, with a new practice offered to evoke or ripen – a contemplative walk in nature, writing a poem, illustrating the word visually, attending to my dreams, consulting a soul friend – “at home” became distilled to “home.” Still that comfort with being at home (the best place to be when you’re sick and it’s ridiculously cold outside), but now with a spaciousness that allows mystery to unfold, shadow and surprise to emerge, dreams to awaken. To see what your friends thought of this quote, please sign … I completed a contract in January, filed the report a couple of weeks ago. I’ve reserved for luncheon in Linares, a nearby hill town, at Arrieros, the Michelin recommended café I’d walked by that September where the owner invited me in for gazpacho, which I had to regretfully decline due to the day’s writing retreat schedule. Travelling with my husband is markedly different. Only bleakness meets the eye; everything seems severe and edged. All Quotes Though we cannot see you with outward eyes, We know our soul’s gaze is upon your face, Smiling back at us from within everything To which we bring our best refinement. Often secrets are not revealed in words, they lie concealed in the silence between the words or in the depth of what is unsayable between two people. Often we only know it’s time to change When a force has built inside the heart That leaves us uneasy as we are. Yoga and meditation are practices that transform my relationships, and my perspective in all aspects of my life. It is not narcissistic, for as soon as you rest in the house of your own heart, doors and windows begin to open outwards to the world. Because of it. He is just a story that is written, spoken and lives amongst us. Last week, browsing somewhere, I came across these wondrous words in an essay, “To Find Your True Home Within Your Life.”  Home came knocking. Today’s blog is late. At first, “at home,” which evoked being home and staying put. Listen carefully to yourself. John O’Donohue and his dog. The wire brush of doubt May you be able to receive the fruits of suffering. And you will find your feet The camera. I do know, that when I walked Annie last week and I listened to Brene Brown’s podcast with Dr. Vivek Murthy, the 19th Surgeon General of the United States and author of Together: The Healing Power of Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World, I felt a big penny drop deep inside. I’d already visited some of the region. To Bless the Space Between Us, 2008. Quotes By John O'Donohue. “For Someone Awakening To The Trauma of His or Her Past: “Blessed be the mind that dreamed the day, “TO COME HOME TO YOURSELF May all that is unforgiven in you Be released. There can be no growth if we do not remain open and vulnerable to what is new and different. Gradually, the sense of bleakness changes into a sense of true belonging. May the fluency of the ocean be yours. May you see the reflection Of your life’s kindness and beauty In all the tears that fall for you. What are the best footwear options to safeguard against a flareup of the plantar fasciitis I’ve been tending for the month? Something deep in the human soul seems to depend on the presence of kindness;”, “We also notice, at the other end, how the shadows of old age are lit more and more from the invisible world.”, “May the expectation in other eyes Never decide how you are to be;”, “At the gates of time, blessing waits to usher toward us the grace we need.”, “To live like this is to experience time as a constant invitation to growth”, “Wherever one person takes another into the care of their heart, they have the power to bless.”, To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings, To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Invocations and Blessings. It’s early morning, still dark, cold, snowy and winter. Not chosen but invited, it arrived early into a simple, elegant process offered by Abbey of the Arts, called “2020, Give Me a Word.” Developed for the twelve days of Christmas, but available in early December, I’d receive an email invitation to “create some space each day to listen and see what word comes shimmering forth from the dailiness of my experience.”. Listen to what you dislike, and you will find most of the imagery is what you have received and registered from other people. My Mission. May a window of light always surprise you. May the fluency of the ocean be yours, Only bleakness meets the eye; everything seems severe and edged. We’ll see flamenco, compare the vast beauty of Al Hambra with the more accessible Real Alcazar, sip and savour at tapas bars. “May the nourishment of the earth be yours. JOHN O'DONOHUE This page is maintained by the Director of John's Literary Estate, Ann Cahill, in partnership with the O'Donohue family. Register the beauty Of the otherness That surrounds you. Read John O'Donohue poem:Though we need to weep your loss, You dwell in that safe place in our hearts, Where no storm or night or pain can reach you.. Then, a viral infection contracted days before departure had me reach for the emergency cipro to be well enough to get home without an ear-blocked, cough-racked flight. — Evidence (excerpt) by Mary Oliver For that “mediation of the intellect and the imagination.”. John O'Donohue _____ Fire Fire What makes a fire burn is space between the logs, a breathing space. You would want us to find you in presence, Beside us when beauty brightens, When kindness glows And music echoes eternal tones. Again on fresh pastures of promise, It is also a time of deep inner healing as more spaciousness allows for even deeper roots to … Too, the utter uncertainty as to what I might next conjure in the way of work baffles and confounds. He was a native Irish speaker, and as an author is best known for popularising Celtic spirituality. Anxiety that hurts. I’ll visit the art galleries missed the first time. Our daily walks in the neighborhood where she sniffs and I see Nature’s subtle and not so changes. Paradoxically, I know I’m not alone with loneliness.So, let’s not suffer this one alone. Winter is the oldest season; it has some quality of the absolute. When you face your aloneness, something begins to happen. The practical. There have been gifts during this near year of sheltering in place, being home with minimal distraction and the noise from society. Aimlessness. Much love and kindest regards, dear friends. Lethargy. But now, four months later, into summer with its longer days, and our staged re-entry, I find it harder to navigate. “May you travel safely, arrive refreshed, To balance the gift of days which call you.”, Brene Brown’s podcast with Dr. Vivek Murthy. “May you travel safely, arrive refreshed,And live your time away to its fullest;Return home more enriched, and freeTo balance the gift of days which call you.”. Confirmation from husband that yes, Spain would meet his destination criteria of good food and wine, gave me the go ahead to don my travel consultant hat and design our itinerary. May your leave-taking be gracious, Enabling you to hold dignity Through awkwardness and illness. John O'Donohue's life cannot be encompassed within the one act of birth, life and death. The mind of the day draws no attention; It dwells within the silence with elegance”, “To create a space for all our words, Drawing us to listen inward and outward. Having myself worked as a therapist, and years ago been involved in analytic process work, I recognize how the practice has changed, now informed by research in trauma and its neuro-physiological-emotional impacts. We all need rhythm in our life and our days. IRELAND TOUR / SEPTEMBER 2020 - The Wellspring of Presence: John O'Donohue's West of Ireland Tour: SOLD OUT More info here. But right now I need to admit, as I did in reply to a friend’s ever thoughtful and beautiful blog post, that I am feeling emptied of words that might matter. May your listening be attuned To the deeper silence Where sound is honed To bring distance home. — John O’Donohue. Recommend to friends. Murthy describes three dimensions of loneliness to reflect the particular type of relationship we might be missing: “Loneliness is not a concept, it is the body constellating, attempting to become proximate and even join with other bodies, through physical touch, through conversation or the mediation of the intellect and the imagination.”. Specializing in fresh, local Andalusian inspired cuisine complemented by sherries, vermouths and wines, I knew this would be an easy way to my man’s heart. The early days of COVID-19, when winter hung on with its snow and cold, the days had not yet appeared significantly lighter and longer, I enjoyed the prolonged cocooning it invited. NEW BOOK RELEASE: WALKING IN WONDER: ETERNAL WISDOM FOR A MODERN WORLD More info here. So at the end of this day, we give thanks For being betrothed to the unknown And for the secret work Through which the mind of the day And wisdom of the soul become one.”, “The Greeks believed that time had secret structure. John O'Donohue: "For the Senses" May the touch of your skin. So despite, blessedly, having a loving, steadfast husband of forty years, and family including my healthy, alert, fully engaged parents, I feel lonely. All the energies cohered to offer a fecund occasion of initiative, creativity, and promise. And while my tolerance for cold has lessened considerably after a thyroidectomy in 2017, I’ve come to love the soft, enveloping quiet of falling snow, the invitation to turn inward during the long dark, the slow, the still. tags: inspirational. A disappointment for us both when first, our great plans for trekking in the desert mountains became dashed by my excruciating case of plantar fasciitis. Now living into a different age and stage of life, my felt sense of community has shifted. This time I’d become quite ill during my last trip in early December, a visit with a friend I’d not seen since the passing of her husband. “FOR THE TIME OF NECESSARY DECISION The mind of time is hard to read. Like “Within the grip of winter, it is almost impossible to imagine the spring. This has been my word for 2020. Just recovered and now into a serious grip of Arctic winter cold, staying put, at home, has been the order of the day.But as the twelve days passed, with a new practice offered each day to evoke or ripen – a contemplative walk in Nature, writing a poem, illustrating the word visually, attending to my dreams, consulting a soul friend – “at home” became distilled to “home.” Still that comfort with being at home (the best place to be when you’re sick and it’s ridiculously cold outside), but now with a spaciousness that allows mystery to unfold, shadow and surprise to emerge, dreams to awaken.Last week, browsing somewhere, I came across these wondrous words in an essay, “To Find Your True Home Within Your Life.”  Home came knocking. I don’t know. Realizing this, admitting this, to myself, here, feels vulnerable. “Within the grip of winter, it is almost impossible to imagine the spring. Nearer to the earth’s heart, Deeper within its silence: Animals know this world In a way we never will. Yet, I feel lonely for the in person, physical, face to face, exchange of energy and ideas and feelings and smiles and tears and embraces. The corkscrew and sharp knife for the impromptu. I think this might be, in part, why I’ve been having a hard time finding words, why I’ve been feeling fallow of late. I know we’ll be beautifully hosted in Aracena. And perhaps in doing so, words might now come easier for me. Remarkable that when it “arrived” a year ago as my word for this year’s soft focus and intention, it would have been so utterly prescient and enbodied. In a sense this is the endless task of finding your true home within your life. by John O’Donohue . Another luncheon booked at Sevilla’s ConTenedor, returning to that terrific slow food restaurant featuring a pastiche of local flavor and colour. The philosopher and poet John O'Donohue believed that it is within our power to transform our fear of death so that we need fear little else this life brings.

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