But, apparently in some circles, there is a demand for sweet gum balls. Put the spiny balls to good use by using them as a mulch to keep pests like slugs, snails and rabbits out of your garden. It forms in cavities of the bark and also exudes naturally. The uses of the tree extend from structuring furniture to using it as an ornamental tree for the purpose of landscaping. They are also believed to hold power to break hexes, or deflect them back to the source, much like a mirror would, when appropriately used. Favorite Add to Sweet Gum Balls GoldCoastAquatics. Now, I'll admit I had no idea what 'Hoodoo' was when I read about it along with sweet gum balls. The Benefits of Utilizing Sweet Gum Balls. They are considered a powerful protection amulet and are used for protection on altars, in witch bottles and in spirit bags. • Posted by Annette. 13. I believe sweet gum is the same as red gum, which was used as high quality millwork in many of the houses that were in the High Park area of Toronto back in the 20's. The sticky or gummy sap of sweet gums serves a purpose for the tree. But, when some of these people referred to sweet gum balls as "Witches Balls" or "Witches Burrs", I figured it would be interesting to look into further ... it is almost Halloween after all! And you definitely can't walk around near our little piece of "woods" barefoot ... if you do, you'll be sorry. Apr 24, 2020 It can also be chewed to sweeten the breath. Lovely article :) I checked it out and was amazed to find that people actually pay money for sweet gum balls! Jul 28, 2018 - Sweet gum balls ("Witches Burrs" or "Witches Balls") are apparently a traditional American Hoodoo magical item. May 15, 2020 Step 3 Roll over your lawn with a rolling nut picker-upper like the Nut Wizard or Pecan Picker Upper. The situation is acerbated by the fact that sweetgum balls can make walking in the yard seem like crossing a mine field. Sweet gum balls ("Witches Burrs" or "Witches Balls") are apparently a traditional American Hoodoo magical item. For instance, yesterday I finally looked up ‘tree with spiky balls.’ Sweet gum balls ("Witches Burrs" or "Witches Balls") are apparently a traditional American Hoodoo magical item. • Posted by Robin Jo Waltz. Hoodoo practices include folk remedies and magic spells that make use of physical objects believed to have spiritual or supernatural powers. We have sweet gum balls E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E ... so many that you can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting a little sweet gum seedling that recently sprouted. The spiky gumballs the sweetgum tree produces are the containers for its seeds. Its the fruits that I am interested in because they are a source of shikimic acid which is the active ingredient in medicines like Tamiflu®. Let’s not forget about the beauty of the Sweet Gum Ball Tree itself. The seedpods from Your childhood ... probably some of the Acer ( Maple ) species, right? By mid-fall, the balls are dead and seedless. Edible parts of Sweet Gum: A chewing gum and a stabilizer for cakes etc is obtained from the resin. Please enter the answer to 1 + 1 below. The sweet gum wood is also used for fabricating veneers, flooring, and … Thank you very much! Sweetgum trees are a fall beauty with their variegated colorful leaves. Apr 21, 2019 They stick together and work great in holding the soil on my erosion prone sloping yard. Help me fight spammers! The sweet gum wood is also used for fabricating veneers, flooring, and making decorative baskets. Sweetgum is a hardy fast growing tree but requires warm moist weather to thrive, such as the American south east or the cloud forests of Mexico. I’ve never heard of them causing injuries. I'm sitting on a crafters gold mine here people! • Posted by Soilmaker. The sweet gum grows in a long list of states, thinning to a more patchy distribution as it spreads southward into Mexico and Central America. Now, I don't know much of anything about how well gum balls might work for 'spiritual protection', but just looking at the sweet gum balls, it's easy to see how people might think they have magical repellant powers ...after all, put some around and they'll sure keep me away! You can even get creative and use them to make holiday trinkets or decorative … It caused nasty bruising for weeks and a circle of puncture wounds from the spikes…, Aug 09, 2020 Just place in water as it is then drink. From shop HoneyVineMagickals. When … There are also lots of crafts you can make for gifts! A quick search and there are days upon days of DIY craft projects listed online that include sweet gum balls. 50 Sweet Gum Balls, Sweetgum Balls, Sweet Gum Seed Pods, Witches Burrs, Fresh Sweet Gum Balls, Sweet Gum Seeds, Sweet Gum Tree Balls ... Sweet Gum Tree Pods-AKA Witch Balls-Protection-Magical Uses GlamourGalStuff. I mowed our lawn one hot summer day in shorts (not smart, I now know) and one flew out from the mower and stuck into the side of my leg. or stepped on too many of them just to have them roll under my feet and propel my body in ways and directions it wasn't meant to go until I fell (hard) to the ground, landing on more of the spiny little buggers. This comes in handy when you hang out with kids. ), but they are ok. And they can be rather pretty in the fall when their leaves turn yellow and then into nice purple-red colors. I've certainly learned a lot about sweet gums since then though ... mostly because I've searched high and low for ways to get rid of the stinking "gum ball" seed pods they drop everywhere. It is a lovely deciduous tree, but it produces annoying little (1 inch) fruit like balls that are rather hard to clean up. This is a guide about preventing a sweetgum tree from making balls. Sweet gum trees are native to southern Illinois, but can be found all over the United States. The ‘aha, I never knew!’ moments are exhilarating. How do you get rid of the sweet gum balls quickly so no one is stepping on the stickers ? Very sorry. It’s an odd fruit; I had no idea that they’re good for something. An amazingly iconic and dominate specimen of Australian flora is the Eucalyptus tree or more commonly known as the Gum tree.The name Eucalyptus, being derived from Greek eu – well – kaluptos – covered, a clear reference to its unique flowers. Love those things :)Reply, Never miss an update! Jul 28, 2018 - Sweet gum balls ("Witches Burrs" or "Witches Balls") are apparently a traditional American Hoodoo magical item. Feb 16, 2017 - Supernatural powers. The seed balls become noticeable in the late summer and fall as they turn from a shade of green to brown. Sweet gum balls ("Witches Burrs" or "Witches Balls") are a traditional American Hoodoo magical item. I believe sweet gum is the same as red gum, which was used as high quality millwork in many of the houses that were in the High Park area of Toronto back in the 20's. Extracts from the sap have shown promise in fighting drug-resistant bacteria and hypertension. • Posted by Ben. (Consult your doctor if symptoms persist.) I gave up cleaning up all the seed balls from my huge sweet gum years ago. 5 out of 5 stars (6,838) $ 1.85. 14. The name Gum tree originated from the sap excreted from the bark that looks gum like … For instance, yesterday I finally looked up ‘tree with spiky balls.’ Some people actually want these things! Gum is a little higher than average in strength and stiffness than many other hardwood species; it is quite close to cherry, a little stronger than mahogany, and a little weaker than walnut. In China, the spiky fruit of the sweet gum tree has been used in herbal medicines as a cure for indigestion and anemia. The infertile seeds of the sweet gum ball contain shikimic acid, which is also contained in the same tree used to make Tamiflu. Oddish In Sword And Shield, Gil Birmingham Nationality, Chef Morimoto Ramen Costco, Everest Chole Masala Review, Ge Gtw680bsj5ws Repair Manual, Sims 4 Mc Command Center, Best Adobe Fonts, Cuanto Mide Ariana Grande, Planet Fitness Hilo, " /> , Gil Birmingham Nationality, Chef Morimoto Ramen Costco, Everest Chole Masala Review, Ge Gtw680bsj5ws Repair As with the resins of pine and the milky latexes of dandelions and ficus plants, sweet gum's sticky sap rapidly seals over bark wounds, drying and forming a protective "scab," and the flow of the sticky, aromatic stuff can deter burrowing insects and herbivores. Each of these gum balls contain a cluster of around 60 capsule fruits, and then each fruit holds one or two seeds. It’s easy to shape, stain, and paint. Tulsa Master Gardener Brian Jervis said sweet gum balls make a good, loose garden mulch, allowing air and water to pass into the soil below but … It was a beautiful place where shoes were optional in the summer and most of the tree seed pods that fell in our yard were fun things you could turn into helicopters or pull apart and stick to your nose. My neighbor hacked up my sweet gum that was hanging over his yard and now I swear the tree is getting revenge dropping even more sticky balls this year. They are considered a powerful protection amulet and are used for protection on altars, in witch bottles and in spirit bags. They last for years! The fruit also makes really great wreaths. You can paint them or use them in their natural state. Sweet gum fruits are spiky green balls that turn brown through winter and fall to the ground November through May. According to Wikipedia, Hoodoo is a traditional African-American folk spirituality that developed from a number of West African, Native American and European spiritual traditions. Source:https://southernherbalist.wordpress.com/2015/06/05/sweetgumtree/, Aug 15, 2020 It’s beautiful wood. It forms in cavities of the bark … Other uses of the herb: The aromatic resin "Storax" is obtained from the trunk of this tree. We have 5 bags of sweet gum balls and they are sharp and hurt when you step in them with bare feet. Enter your email address below to receive AGrowingGarden.com posts by email:Delivered by FeedBurner. A Bag-A-Nut Sweet Gum Ball machine would easily pick up those pesky Sweet Gum Balls so you can utilize all these amazing benefits! The "gum balls," as described above, develop from female flower when they dry up and fall to the ground. Just look at the one in my photo above. They are considered a powerful protection amulet and are used for protection on altars, in witch bottles and in spirit bags. American sweet gum balls can be burnt down to ash and made into a healing salve by mixing the ash with grease. 12. Edible parts of Sweet Gum: A chewing gum and a stabilizer for cakes etc is obtained from the resin. With a pivoting handle design, a comfortable push height is obtainable for all users. The gum balls or monkey balls are said to have several capsule-like structures, wood-like in appearance. Indeed, the Sweet Gum tree's seedpods are used in magick, and spiritual work for protection, but also more than just for that! Rake the sweet gum balls into a pile with a standard leaf rake. The gum balls or monkey balls are said to have several capsule-like structures, wood-like in appearance. • Posted by Gary A. Fowler. The red gum would be the darker heartwood of the sweet gum trees. Receive product updates, specials and more. • Posted by Dianne Higdon. Magical Curio, Herbal Magic, Green Magic, Green Witchcraft, Protection Magic, Amulet, Protection DalLagoShoppe. 39. I also have no more roots to trip over, less lawn to mow, and the tree is doing fine (despite all the weenies that say you can’t cover over the roots with soil). Just like leaves, they must fall, so the tree can prep for new growth. You know, the super magical thing about the internet is that it can make you the bearer of almost instant knowledge on just about anything. The resulting decoction is known for it’s antiviral properties and can be used as a preventative measure against sickness, or as a remedy for the flu. Overall, the Sweet Gum Ball Tree has much to offer. Gum Tree Gum Tree Spiritual Meaning and Medicinal Uses. I have nothing other than disdain for them. But did you know there may be a natural remedy in your backyard? Witches Burrs, or other wise known as “Sweet Gum Balls,” come from the sweet gum tree, also known as the “hazel-pine” or “red-gum tree”. It’s currently flu season, which means many people are home either recuperating from or avoiding this awful sickness. Yes! The red gum would be the darker heartwood of the sweet gum trees. If you’re up for some experimenting, Sweet Gum Balls can been used to make a tea from boiling the young green seeds. I don’t believe the pointy barbs on the balls are sharp enough to penetrate skin or shoes. Witches Burrs, or other wise known as “Sweet Gum Balls,” come from the sweet gum tree, also known as the “hazel-pine” or “red-gum tree”. Have I mentioned I think they are pure evil? Mar 11, 2019 Jul 13, 2020 The 12" sweet gum ball harvester clears a path for faster clean-up. Are sweetgum tree balls edible? They are considered a powerful protection amulet and are used for protection on altars, in witch bottles and in spirit bags. If that isn't enough, the spiny fruits have been known to cause people to slip and turn an ankle. No dead cats were swung around here to support my hypothesis of the prolificacy of sweet gum trees! Sure, sweet gum trees aren't as majestic as oaks, or as pretty as birch, or as tasty as maple (syrup anyone? I grew up in a land without sweet gum trees. Other uses of the herb: The aromatic resin "Storax" is obtained from the trunk of this tree. The wood is great for timber because of its gorgeous interlocked grain. Sweet gum balls ("Witches Burrs" or "Witches Balls") are apparently a traditional American Hoodoo magical item. These spiked seed balls are often referred to as gum balls, spiky nuts, sweet gum fruit, burr balls, sticker balls and sweet gumballs. Before you write them off as just a nuisance, consider these simple ways to utilize the Sweet Gum Ball Tree and it’s falling “fruit”. But even more fascinating than the fact that crafters are willing to actually pay money for "gum balls" is their apparent use in Hoodoo. In fact, I had never seen, felt, or heard of sweet gums until well into my thirties when we bought our current property here in southeast Virginia. Mar 19, 2020 They tend to be about 1.5 inches in diameter and are yellow/green while still on the tree and dark brown in color once they fall, usually dropping in late winter/early spring. These trees are also ideal for reforestation projects because they grow quickly and are resistant to insects. Have you ever noticed that sweet gum leaves gradually change shape over the summer? Magical Lore and Sweet Gum Adoption The main reason may be due to the fact that much of magical lore comes from Europe where the sweetgum died out during the last ice age. However, for many homeowner's this display does not make up for the deluge of spiny seed pods that litter their yard. The ‘aha, I never knew!’ moments are exhilarating. You know, the super magical thing about the internet is that it can make you the bearer of almost instant knowledge on just about anything. • Posted by Nicole, Word to the wise- they absolutely can cause injury. It can also be chewed to sweeten the breath. p.s. See our newer post on Sweetgum Balls & Tamiflu! The uses of the tree extend from structuring furniture to using it as an ornamental tree for the purpose of landscaping. We have a Sweet Gum (liquidambar) tree on our front yard that is about 50 feet tall. The only difference is sweetgum balls drop all fall and winter. 38. The resulting decoction is known for it’s It’s Sweet Gum Ball time of year again and that means you may find yourself slipping on these prickly round seeds. Our neighbor has 3 in her back yard and they blow into our yard and we rake them every few weeks so we won’t step on them and fall. Sweet gum sap has caught the attention of medical researchers, and we know that much of its folkloric uses are now backed with scientific reasoning. 13 pk Sweet Gum balls, witches burr, conjure, pagan ritual supply, hoodoo, new age HoneyVineMagickals. They are considered a powerful protection amulet and are used for protection on altars, in witch bottles and in spirit bags. The prickly fruits are called gumballs, goblin balls, monkey balls … God gives you this stuff every fall, use it. I have no problem with the trees themselves. Another use they find in magick, is that they are believed to focus and augment spiritual power of the spells and rituals. If you look at it long enough, you can start to see it's evil eyes, it's crooked nose, and it's open mouth and fangs. Is that possible? If you’re up for some experimenting, Sweet Gum Balls can been used to make a tea from boiling the young green seeds. Sweet gum seeds are eaten by many species of birds, including goldfinch, purple finch, sparrows, mourning doves, wild turkey, northern bobwhite, and wood duck, as well as by squirrels and chipmunks. Features. Its right up there with Elderberry Tincture and Oregano Tincture . Sweet gum balls ("Witches Burrs" or "Witches Balls") are apparently a traditional American Hoodoo magical item. How to Clean Sweet Gum Balls From Lawn. Gum is a little higher than average in strength and stiffness than many other hardwood species; it is quite close to cherry, a little stronger than mahogany, and a little weaker than walnut. • Posted by Frankie Lashlee, Mar 17, 2020 The sweet gum grows in a long list of states, thinning to a more patchy distribution as it spreads southward into Mexico and Central America. It is harvested in autumn. • Posted by Elizabeth. I started consolidating them every spring around the exposed roots, stamp them into the ground and then just cover them over with shredded mulch and plant vinca. The sweet gum trees we have are quite tall and very prolific. At least that's what I see... but maybe I've stepped on one too many of these gum balls in my bare feet (OUCH!!) Do they drink it if sick with flu. The fruit it bears provides food for many animals including squirrels, wood ducks, whitetail deer, birds, and beavers. Yes, there are people selling sweet gum balls on eBay and etsy, and I would have to assume that there are people buying them there too. The seed balls become noticeable in the late summer and fall as they turn from a shade of green to brown. Thanks for sharing Your experiences! 10601 Theresa Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32246. Now, don't get me wrong. Just glue them to a wreath, pyramid, topiary, etc form, and before you know it, you have a lovely decorative piece! My mother told me that "crafters" just love sweet gum balls and buy them to use in all kinds of craft projects. Sweet gum is a larval host plant for the beautiful luna moth. © 2021. People generally just walk over them and flatten them wherever they’ve landed. While they’re not edible, the balls can double as spiky mulch to keep animals away from young plants. This large tree provides shade in the summer, gorgeous orange, red, and yellow leaves in the fall, and is a great privacy barrier. It is a potent anti-fungal and an effective natural pesticide. Bag-A-Nut, LLC. Sweet gum seed pods, though, are a different story. While this is a simple overview, in my book The Magic of Trees: A Guide to Their Sacred Wisdom & Metaphysical Properties , you’ll find an in depth exploration of each of the properties listed. Skype-calypso7776_2Check out Jenn the Taxidermy Witch a https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoAFybVuL8WeOwGwXCoEO7w t They are 1 3/4 inches in diameter and have prickly points that open to … All rights reserved. Bag-A-Nut plucks the sweet gum balls out of the grass like magic. That’s right, green sweet gum balls can be made into a tincture that can help kill viruses in your body. If, only if, I were a craft person (I'm not), I'd be in heaven! It’s beautiful wood. When the seed pods turn brown they will fall from the trees. As a matter of fact, I'd go so far as to say way, way, way too prolific. Is there any way to prevent these fuzzy little “creatures” from sprouting in the upcoming spring? What Does it Mean When a Plant is Patented? We love your site! Here’s a quick reference guide to the healing, magical, and metaphysical properties of more than 100 trees. https://gardengrimoire.wordpress.com/2018/05/31/sweet-gum-witch-balls This comes in handy when you hang out with kids.

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