[–]tiki-baha29 1 point2 points3 points 9 months ago (4 children). Authors are humans, they make mistakes. Your logic and reasoning there dont add up at all. Luffy needed help to fight Cracker, not because he was weaker, but because he couldn’t get around his ability, which is different. I did say that the new generation can be as strong as the old but I also said that as an explanation saying a First Commander got not only surprised but also smacked to the ground in one strike which is what I've tried to say which is all fights are situational. He never gets some huge bs power with 0 drawbacks out of nowhere (like naruto's sage powers), and he works hard for every ability he gets (unlike naruto's sage powers). One Piece: Chapter 1004 - Official Release Discussion. I agree that there's a difference between theoritical rankings and real fights, just as in real life, but internal consistency is more about creating these theoritical rankings : Luffy winning to Enel because he counters his fruit is fine, because it doesn't challenge the established consistency between characters' strenght, as Luffy wasn't stronger, but rather, lucky to have a favorable matchup. God- Threat to the planet itself 8. It isn't in BB's nature to take a risk like that for nothing. Now, the Marines also stated that if 2 Yonkous were to team up, they would become a VERY serious threat, implying that they would most likely lose the battle. For example, I believe that if Luffy were to rematch Katakuri, he could still lose to him. won second place in the coveted Tezuka manga awards. We've seen nothing remotely to suggest that. If they weren't then Sengoku, Garp, and even Kong would be there and not just sitting back only lifting a finger when absolutely necessary. There has always been many factors that go into a fight for One Piece imo and it's never really clear cut. To prevent the subreddit from getting flooded with posts. All we've seen Beckman do is point a gun at a sarcastic Kizaru who went on to ignore Beckman. D&D Beyond Demon- Threat to an entire city 5. Buggy is weak, yet he is a Warlord. I’m sure he is pretty tough considering he leads the revolutionaries, but again, we don’t know a lot yet and can’t assume that he’d clap someone like (just examples) Kaido or Whitebeard (characters we already know a lot about and can make a solid case for) with ease. So again. [–]LeAlthos 1 point2 points3 points 9 months ago (0 children). Hes still weak and hes still a Warlod, undeniable. DiscussionPower Levels are BS (self.OnePiece), I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of flack for this but it really needs to be said, so here it goes. That's just poor writing, though. Think of sports for example. One Piece's bounty system acts as a stand-in for power levels in the pirate series -- and a far more interesting one at that. The Warlords are also not going to completely counter all of the pirates which was clearly shown during the Marineford War. As such, it also allows one to estimate the power of their Rokushiki. [–]karma457 1 point2 points3 points 9 months ago (0 children). Yes he took some hits and got back up but it’s not like he tanked it and kept fighting. Before Blackbear, I'm pretty confident that one Yonkos entire crew can wipe out the Shichibukai if they really wanted to, [–]tiki-baha29 8 points9 points10 points 9 months ago (12 children). He. Doesnt matter that he couldnt control the shadows. I mean it’s basically supported in the manga anyway. Only to have character D punch character B and not scathe him but punch character C and knock him out. Kaido also didnt kill Kid and his crew when he beat him. Yes Roger and Whitebeard were the closest to One Piece even though it is stated that Whitebeard doesn't care about the One Piece but they also had to compete with characters that would have been prominent during that time that are still prominent today. My point about kaido and big mom is that they have peaked. It breaks the rules the author has set out, breaks the trust between the author and the reader, and destroys the integrity of the material itself. Its nothing to do with fairness. You’re misrepresenting what actually happened. The manga should show some growth in 20 years story time but not huge. There is no manga proof. [–]FISO99 5 points6 points7 points 9 months ago (0 children). The story and the world building wouldn't make sense otherwise. [–]tiki-baha29 2 points3 points4 points 9 months ago (1 child). Remember when ussopp unlocked his observation haki? One Piece (Japanese: ワンピース Hepburn: Wan PÄ«su) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda. My mom tried her best to make me a gomu gomu no my Birthday cake as a surprise,i love her so much!!! The WBPs were on a rescue mission and mostly about protecting. 1. High quality, hand drawn, original content art, that is a meme may sometimes be allowed. The Marines were pretty casual at Marineford. He then mimicked CP9 soru in gear 2nd, but with serious drawbacks. Or in another fight, Luffy can't run from Katakuri using the mirror world, etc. You can add a flair to your post after submission by clicking the 'flair' button underneath your post. The problem comes with the “A is stronger than B because this this and that, and if you don’t agree I downvote you”, but we can just ingore those post anyway. Cub- Small threats of up to normal human standards 2. It's like post game bosses in an RPG. It is bad writing to have character A punch Character B and knock him out easily and the punch character C and not scathe him. | 79,272 members [–]chibi_zoroMarine 5 points6 points7 points 9 months ago (1 child). Moria only got KO'd by Luffy because he overdid it with the shadows. No. Except he's already something like 30mins late on his schedule, so apparently, the "no bullshit" guy suddenly couldn't spare a few seconds right when it mattered. [–]BITG123 0 points1 point2 points 9 months ago (0 children), That’s a good point I never thought of. He's gettig stronger, and he'll get even stronger during the actual fight. And if you think I'm only saying Akainu is that strong you're wrong because Aokiji fought evenly with Akainu for 10 days so he is right there with him in terms of power. It is still to early to tell how Yonko scale to Admirals, and the WB vs Akainu fight had way too many variables. Hello newcomers! As for Doflamingo and the Pacifista, PTS Luffy would have been fucked by that too so at best I'd say he's around Moria's level, yeah. We know how strong Kaido (Creed) is supposed to be, and we know how strong Rocky (Luffy) is based on what the story has shown us. One piece power scalers be like: There would be no yonko system as it would be demolished. Characters like Shiki, Big Mom, Kaido, and even the Admirals pre-TS would have been prominent figures. [–]mking1999 1 point2 points3 points 9 months ago (0 children). He would just be the second guy who did this particular thing. I mean I honestly don't know how someone who was the right hand man of the WSM, has a mythical DF, took some of the biggest hits in One Piece, talked up by the Gorosei, has been active for a very long time is underrated but he is. I think he means now in the story. Stamina restores gradually when not attacking. If any other character got right back up from a Garp punch they'd be praised. For US residents only, One Piece Track List They vary widely in strength but they all fulfill their first function simply due to their notoriety and that includes Buggy and Moria. Look at Kaido's age and look at Luffy's age. And that would be good and in fact luffy till thriller bark has grown up slowly and Oda give him antagonist he could be matched barely. [–]ScicagekiMarine 1 point2 points3 points 9 months ago (0 children). "Because the author said so" is the worst possible reason for anything to happen within a story, outside of a Monty Python sketch. This will often lead to certain items dropping at lower levels than what you already have, since the Power levels of your different pieces of gear will most likely be all over the place. [–]NoSeQuePa 4 points5 points6 points 9 months ago* (5 children). In shonen series once a protagonist have been downed by an enemy, you will find very few opponents "going for the kill"... because that would be extremely boring to read. One piece just isn't that kind of verse, specially thanks to haki. The Beckman hype is based off very little. 0. No shit I think they're stronger than they were pre-TS. All of them were either going for kills or trying to do as much damage as possible. Anyway, Luffy's whole dream has always been to be the second guy who did a particular thing, though it's very clear there is something that needs to happen after that Luffy will accomplish and that will allow him to stand out. We have literal examples and explanations from Oda himself that prove this. I mean there's a reason the marines are so frightened of yonko crews teaming up. I said that from a progression standpoint we shouldn't put them on a pedestal that can't be passed. The Shichibukai are a balance not necessarily in sole military power, but rather in outreach and world control. So not only is luffy the youngest pirate in worst gen, he always fights the strongest enemies which allows for the most growth. Plain and simple. That's not to say they couldn't fight pretty evenly against a Yonkou, obviously, but if the Marines had 4 Yonkous at their disposal, then the power balance wouldn't make any sense. Blackbeard beat Ace when he got recruited and Law was crazy powerful Post-TS. What I argued was there shouldn't be power levels such as Yonko or Admiral because of the world-building that One Piece consists of there literally can't be power levels like that. He is one of the very first mate of Monkey D Dragon. I could go on and will in the comments if people want to argue about it but for now I'm done. He used the shadows because he knew he couldnt beat Luffy and his crew without them, otherwise why bother. Finally I just want to say that I hate how people make way too many assumptions about Power Levels through Power Scaling. Faced with an example that disproves your statement you choose to apply mental gymnastics to say he somehow doesnt count because hes a gag. If you want to answer again, free to do that, but I don't want to dig any deeper in this rabbit hole. The first example is saying if Akainu was the protagonist he would find the One Piece within a year. Characters are can now jump with . Following tropes doesn't mean much in this case, as you could have followed the same trope writing the same event in a different way : Katakuri assuming he dealt the killing blow/assuming he died from seeing him wounded. No one except the surviving members of the Roger Pirates actually knows where and what the great treasure is. This is a wiki about fan created characters, Devil Fruits, and anything else that your sense of adventure and craziness desires! In another fight, Luffy would be calm and properly be able to use his observation haki to see that Thunder Bagua coming. Same day release as Japan and availble to everyone for Free. In this case, these rules have been defined over the course of 20+ years of storytelling, and have been pretty damn consistent, all things considered. So while I agree that the Warlords aren't very reliable, I thought the implication was that for example during the war against Whitebeard, if the WG issued a summons for the Warlords to come fight and they didn't, that would be grounds for their immediate revocation and potential capture by the Marines. It is performed by pressing . I agree marines didn't use all their forces. A 17 year old who trains for 5 years or a 50 year old who trains for 5 years? Tier lists rely on internal narrative consistency. Beckman is not proven to be nearly strong as Shanks - that's headcanon. Big rewards. If you have legendary mods on every piece of equipped gear, your base power level will be five points lower than your displayed power level. What I was getting at was that there shouldn't be a distinction between them besides one fights for the Marines and the others are pirates who fight for themselves. Nothing is proven that Beckman is almost as strong as Shanks. Blackbeard still had his entire crew with him and as far as we were shown in both the anime and manga it was pretty much just Akainu. When Kid, Law, Drake, Zoro, Luffy start hitting Big Mom/Kaido and they begin spitting blood... "WHERE ARE YOUR TIERLISTS NOW!!!! First off, stop making strawmen, just state your opinion. The Warlods are there to suppress weak pirate crews and use their strength whenever the Navy needs it. And that means "TIERLIST" can change overtime, it's totally normal, because powerlevels change throughout the series. [–]marin4rasauce 7 points8 points9 points 9 months ago (0 children). [–]Revarius 0 points1 point2 points 9 months ago (0 children). Drew a crossover of my two favorite series. [–]mrtmra 0 points1 point2 points 9 months ago (1 child). You have Mihawk and Buggy sharing the same title. Most people are out of their prime once they hit their 30's. [–]DetectiveBaby_Legs 2 points3 points4 points 9 months ago (1 child). Mind telling me why katakuri has any reason to get stronger? You’re saying there shouldn’t be power scaling or tier levels but you literally believe Beckman is stronger than Marco based on flimsy “evidence” of Beckman being a vice captain vs right hand man. So there were a lot of fodder characters on both sides of the war. A stamina system is introduced. If the 3 Admirals or "Strongest might of the Marines" weren't stronger than the First Commanders and more in the same strength level as the Yonko then there would be no balance. Remind me again where capone mentions wanting to be PK? [–]bkristensen92[S] 1 point2 points3 points 9 months ago (4 children). He didn't get gears out of nowhere btw, he studied the way that CP9 used the six powers... And to show that he didn't just master it which would've been bs, there were serious drawbacks to it. This post will be my last reply. Maoh- Threat to all global civilization 7. And that's the thing though I never really scaled an admiral feat comparing it to a Yonko feat. Also we don't even know if Roger was the first Pirate King. [–]marin4rasauce 8 points9 points10 points 9 months ago (2 children). That's not true, fights are rarely situational. Reminder that Moria was once strong enough to clash with Kaido, get into Wano(not an easy task with so many powerful samurai), steal a legendary sword and corpse of their beloved hero and escape. However, when a story goes out of its way to tell you "someone who has eaten a DF cannot swim" and then demonstrates it countless times, it is inconsistent to have a character who has eaten a DF suddenly be able to swim just so they can accomplish something. The Power Dash is a new dashing move that allows the character to knock back enemies while moving. One Piece tier list templates. First, yes the Marines would want to take them out but it seems pretty clear that the Marines are outnumbered by pirates in the One Piece world and even if they aren't we know that there are corrupt Marines that aren't really doing their jobs such as Vergo, Nezumi, or even the first marine we see Axe Hand abuses his power so not all Marines are out there trying to take down pirates. To get stronger you have to fight strong enemies. [–]admiralvic 3 points4 points5 points 9 months ago (1 child), It's poor writing because it makes an easier path for the main protagonist. Animal Kingdom Pirates, Headliner. Moria took some hits from the storm attack but the brunt of it was absorbed by Oars, who’s body he was in. People in this community fixate way too much on some imaginary power levels such as Admiral level or Yonko level, or even Pirate King level. That's part of the point of the shonen, the protagonist improving themselves to overcome the hardest challenges and the strongest opponents (power scaling). I didn't say that they can't be stronger than the current generation. I agree that there's a difference between theoritical rankings and real fights, just as in real life, but internal consistency is more about creating these theoritical rankings. Buggy is obviously an exception to the rule, come on. or After the Marineford War and the Marines needed new Admirals after Akainu got promoted and Aokiji left it was also explained that there were some candidates that were Vice Admirals that qualified to be Admirals as well which also shows that there are probably a handful of Vice Admirals that are similar in strength maybe not quite on that level but pretty close. Not all yonkos are the same. Well yeah, your view is totally valid, don't feel dumb about it. Fights in one piece are always going to be situational more than who has the highest powerlevel. The reality is we just don’t know. Rendered by PID 15329 on r2-app-037fbf02d1ae9ffbe at 2021-02-15 11:46:10.646241+00:00 running 6289523 country code: US. He lost to Jinbei in the war, who can punch Big Mom and send her flying a bit mind you, but he still got back up and started fighting one of Whitebeard commanders (Curiel I believe) afterwards. Oda went on to work as an assistant to some of the biggest manga artists in the industry, including Nobuhiro Watsuki, before winning the Hop Step Award for new artists. [–]DilapidatedHam 1 point2 points3 points 9 months ago (0 children), I mean yeah, but at the same time I’m a good action series it should make logical sense who comes out on top of a fight, [–]capumain28 7 points8 points9 points 9 months ago* (0 children). Luffy always has to work hard and train to beat his opponents, not just be the mc. The problem with your theory is that we've seen first mates fight evenly with admirals. At this point only Moria and Buggy have ever been weak but they still serve the purpose of holding back small crews due to their notoriety. For characters like Mihawk and Shanks we can KINDA guess how tough they are based on their feats, and can potentially make a case for why they would win in certain fights. Marco got right back up. It doesn't take away from the journey, it's just different. So saying that Roger/Whitebeard/Garp "Cant be stronger than the current generation" is absurd and doesnt even make sense when reading the series. 1.1 How to play Treasure Map 1.2 Treasure Points 1.3 Treasure League 1.4 Reward and Trusty Characters 1.5 Treasure Maps 1.6 Treasure Map Characters 1.6.1 Reward Characters 1.6.2 Treasure Sugo-Only 1.7 Treasure Bazaar 1.8 FAQ 1.9 Useful links A new adventure mode where you can collect Limit Break materials … However you want to state it power levels or tiers it essentially means the same thing. Moria got beat so bad by Kaido that he not only lost but his whole crew was killed. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. They believe that characters like Roger or Whitebeard or Garp(while conveniently leaving out Sengoku) are stronger than the current generation and that makes no sense for a couple of reasons. It doesn't matter if BB had his whole crew. The most popular theory is that they hid it on Raftel, the final island of the Grand Line.Given the recurring theme that a treasure is merely something of great personal value (e.g. Rewatch the Thriller Bark fight. Isn't that what basically happened to Jinbe? [–]bkristensen92[S] 1 point2 points3 points 9 months ago (1 child). Big Mom is in her 60s she's not some new generation that's up and coming. You also completely missed my point. Nightmare Luffy hits Moria in the face repeatedly with the storm attack. It’s called internal narrative consistency and if you don’t have it you’re not that good at writing. Otherwise it is considered a low effort type of post and will be removed. Buggy is both weak and a warlord. Saying that he was strong enough to clash with Kaido is like saying Luffy was strong enough to clash with Aokiji before Water 7. [–]ProfessorGeminiBANANA 0 points1 point2 points 9 months ago (0 children), bruh he said he was an EXCEPTION bro do you not read One Piece is full of wacky shit like this, [–]mrtmra -1 points0 points1 point 9 months ago (3 children), With the exception of Mihawk, every other warlord seemed pretty damn weak. That's what I'm trying to get at. I'm not saying that Luffy has to be stronger than the previous generation but because of how Oda is with parallels he will not make Luffy and this generation weaker. Titles don't mean much in the world of one piece. When it’s proven I agree. All of them are extremely weak compared to Marco or maybe one of the sweet commanders. The author can always make something happen, you're right about that. [–]Blackbeard00100 1 point2 points3 points 9 months ago (0 children). Watch the fight again and see where he defeats himself. Dragon- Threat to entire countries 6. Their motivation was so much more than the display shown by the Marines. No it's definitely an argument against power levels. You talk about pirates being active for years and years but surely the marines should be trying to take them out? Urouge is someone we still don't know enough about imo, but I don't think he's peaked yet. He pursues Luffy and Zoro with the use of his Strawman Cards. He absorbed all the shadows on the island, smashed it in half and then couldn't keep the shadows in whilst also fighting.

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