In 1988, Henson’s body was moved to Arlington National Cemetery, the burial ground of many of America’s most admired heroes. After his triumph in the Arctic, Henson lived in New York City with his wife, Lucy. Then he seemed to fly up out of the water. Novels are a classic example of fictional prose. Knowledge of Jim Crow laws will be helpful. When he was 13, Henson walked 40 miles to Baltimore and persuaded a ship captain to hire him as a cabin boy—the lowest job on a ship. In the 1500s, European explorers began sailing into the Arctic—the “kingdom of ice,” as they called it. It would take decades for the world to discover him. He learned to read and became a skilled sailor and carpenter. . Literature Connection: Other adventure stories, Shackleton’s Stoweaways But despite many shipwrecks and deaths, the mystery of the Arctic continued to lure explorers and adventurers. The article refers to the Civil War, Frederick Douglass, and the Constitution. No other American or European Arctic explorer had these kinds of skills. And Peary’s dreams were big. Glamor or Glamour – What’s the Difference? Subscribers receive access to the website and print magazine. Henson was rarely mentioned, except as Peary’s “manservant.” And yet Henson had become as determined as Peary to reach the North Pole. He went to live with his uncle in Washington, D.C. Fiction refers to made-up stories. On the Central American trip, Henson had taken on complex jobs, working alongside Navy engineers. Now, let’s go over a trick to remember nonfiction vs. fiction. The laws made it hard for black people to own property, make money, vote, get a good education—to exercise the rights that were supposed to be everyone’s under the Constitution. They faced many near-disasters. Ootah had grabbed him and hauled him up, saving his life. If you enjoy reading biographies, memoirs, historical works, or books on current events, you are a fan of nonfiction works. The Loving decision overturned a trial judge's opinion, written in 1958, that "Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. In the 1960s, new laws outlawed discrimination based on race and ethnicity. The laws were designed to make it difficult for African Americans to participate in society—to own property, make money, vote, get a good education—to exercise the rights that were supposed to be everyone’s under the Constitution. As the world went into lockdown early in 2020, many of us without frontline jobs and lucky enough not to fall sick with Covid-19 found more time to read than usual. Gasping for breath, he clawed at the jagged edges of the ice, trying to pull himself up. There, he persuaded a ship captain to hire him as a cabin boy—the lowest job on a ship. It’s all contained within the margins, forming a text block. This article, though, is a work of nonfiction. You would travel in sledges (extra-sturdy sleds) loaded up with hundreds of pounds of supplies. This article was originally published in the February 2020 issue. The article weaves together narrative and informational passages. Newspapers ran glowing stories about his daring adventures. By the end of the expedition, Henson and Peary had explored much of Greenland, searching for a route to the North Pole. They kept African Americans separate from white people in schools, in restaurants, on trains, and many other places. Now, just miles from achieving his dream, he was sure he was about to die. A Separate Peace, John Knowles A Separate Peace is a coming-of-age novel by John Knowles, published in 1959. Access this article and hundreds more like it with a subscription to Scope magazine. In his speech, Douglass urged black Americans to pursue education and to fight racism and discrimination. By the end of the expedition, Henson and Peary had explored much of Greenland, searching for a route to the North Pole. In fact, most of the southern United States had so-called “Jim Crow” laws. Despite these setbacks, Peary became famous. I would write a memoir, but the details of my life are so fantastical that people would not believe it is a work of nonfiction. Peary decided that man should be him. They would need help from experts in Arctic survival: the local Inuit people. He became known as one of history’s most illustrious explorers. At age 19, Henson left his life on the sea and moved back to Washington, D.C. Now, let’s go over a trick to remember nonfiction vs. fiction. As a white man, Peary, unlike Henson, had many opportunities to make his dreams come true. But it was no use. They were seeking ocean routes from Europe to Asia. She's also a YouTube star.…” Parts of the world were still mostly unknown. We see these words in libraries and bookstores, in magazines and online, but what do fiction and nonfiction really mean? On April 3, they were pushing their way across the ice. Thirty-five years of racist housing policy. His parents were poor farmers, and Henson didn’t have much education. author’s craft, compare and contrast, key ideas, figurative language, text features. “I am penning a new work of fiction!” said the old-timey writer from a coffee shop in Paris. One place in particular remained unreachable: the North Pole, the very top of the world. In popular language, fiction is also used to describe anything that is not true. All it takes is one click! For students who need additional support, we recommend they complete the Core Skills Workout: Central Ideas and Details activity first.) More and more explorers were venturing into the Arctic, racing to be the first to reach the North Pole. In fact, most of the southern United States had so-called “Jim Crow” laws. “You will find the biography of Rutherford B. Hayes in the nonfiction section,” said the librarian. As Henson would discover, Peary was a man of fierce ambitions. Enormous slabs of sea ice floated on the deathly cold ocean water. The Core Skills Workout is a series of skill-based activities that will help your students "bulk up" in the comprehension skills they need most to become strong, analytical readers. Each time, they got closer to finding a way through the floating ice. Either spelling is accepted, but, as you can see from the below graph, you can see that nonfiction is much more common. Blood flow slows. A work of fiction is based on made-up people or events. They would have to travel on foot and by dogsled through punishing cold and blizzards. Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Finally, in 1909, it seemed their dream would come true. Sixty years of separate but equal. Only Peary got credit for “discovering” the North Pole. How has racism shaped our history? Whoever won this race would become famous. During my senior…” The ice beneath his feet wobbled. To succeed, they would need help from experts in Arctic survival: the local Inuit people. Suddenly, he lost his balance. Vision blurs as the brain powers down. Douglass was a respected leader and writer who had escaped enslavement before the Civil War and had become a powerful voice against slavery. Only Peary got credit for “discovering” the North Pole. Henson (far right) with members of the crew on a mission to the North Pole, 1910. If you need professional help with completing any kind of homework, Online Essay Help is the right place to get it. But history books mostly ignored his achievements. Get your assignment help services from professionals. Henson could not get the kind of highly skilled work he was qualified for. Peary offered Henson the job of cabin boy. Check back soon for more announcements and tutorials. Sailors who managed to escape their broken ships quickly perished in temperatures that plunged to 60 degrees below zero. The amount of ice in the Arctic is shrinking, due to climate change. But then came the moment when Henson slipped and fell into the ocean. Be sure never to add an extra comma between the final adjective and the noun itself or to use commas with non-coordinate adjectives. Fiction vs. Nonfiction – What’s the Difference? Present your findings in an essay or a slideshow. It’s doubtful Henson heard much about the Arctic when he was growing up, in southern Maryland. What does nonfiction mean? Fictional stories can be mysteries, fantasy tales, historical dramas, romances, etc. This activity will help students organize their thinking before responding to the writing prompt. The North Pole is the northernmost point on Earth. Douglass’s words resonated deeply with young Henson, who harbored growing dreams of seeing the world. Making Your Brochure: The Matthew Henson Exhibit, Don’t Miss These Teaching Extras for February's Narrative Nonfiction. In general, republicanism refers to the ideology embraced by members of a republic, which is a form of representational government in which leaders are elected for a specific period by the preponderance of the citizenry, and laws are passed by these leaders for the benefit of the entire republic, rather than select members of a ruling class, or aristocracy. Works of fiction and nonfiction can each be enthralling and valuable pieces of literature, but they are different in several important ways. But then came the moment when Henson slipped and tumbled into the ocean. Now it seemed it would all end here, in the icy depths of the Arctic Ocean. Henson and Peary had made it to the “kingdom of ice.” But they were still some 700 miles from the North Pole. All around him was the frozen wilderness of the Arctic, a forbidding region of brutal cold and blizzards. With help from the Inuit, Peary’s expedition spent their first months in Greenland building sleds and preparing food and other supplies they’d need to explore Greenland and find the best route to the North Pole. TM ® & © 2021 Scholastic Inc. All Rights Reserved. These didn’t freeze and split open in the cold as leather boots did. These laws mandated racial segregation, keeping African Americans separate from white people in schools, in restaurants, on trains, and many other places. Each sledge was pulled by several strong dogs. He clawed at the sharp edges of the ice, trying to pull himself up. It would return to pick them up in one year. To stay hydrated, you’d sip warm tea. A work that is nonfiction … As a kid in Maryland, Henson probably didn't hear much about the Arctic. (15 minutes)Project or distribute the Video Discussion Questions and preview as a class. For the next few years, he sailed around the world. In the coming years, they made five more trips. They kept him warm and dry. Research someone from history who, like Matthew Henson, has been overlooked (such as Bessie Coleman, Vivien Thomas, or George W. Gibbs Jr.). The headstone that marks his grave has a picture of his face, Arctic scenes, and these words: You would eat hard biscuits and pemmican, a survival food invented by the Inuit people, made of mashed and dried meat, berries, and slow-cooked fat. There were no cars zipping down highways, no airplanes zooming over continents and oceans. Huge slabs of sea ice floated on the cold ocean water. They made clothes from the skins and furs. Newspapers ran stories about his daring adventures. There is less ice today than in Henson’s time and it’s becoming more possible for ships to sail through the region. Peary believed they were about 150 miles from the North Pole. In water that cold, death comes in minutes. Back in America between trips, he was surrounded by admirers. One month later, the group came ashore and set up a camp. To get there would take weeks. Henson had spent nearly 20 years trying to get to the North Pole. For students who need additional support, we recommend they complete the Core Skills Workout: Central Ideas and Details activity first.) For history tells us that while these truths may be self-evident, they’ve never been self-executing; that while freedom is a gift from God, it must be secured by His people here on Earth. Have students work in groups to discuss the following close-reading questions. But most white business owners would not hire African Americans. African American and white populations were thus segregated, attending different schools, living in different neighborhoods, and even drinking from different water fountains. Henson was qualified for a better job. (8 minutes)Project the Vocabulary Slideshow. Fiction and nonfiction are two categories of writing. After reading Jessica Bruder's Nomadland: Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century, I will never be able to drive into Wall-Mart's parking lot or the lot of any open all night grocery store or the like without looking to see if there are a couple of vans parked somewhere on the outer edges. Wellbeing or Well-Being – Which is Correct? Henson and Peary had made it to the “kingdom of ice.” But they were still some 700 miles from the North Pole. The closest land is Greenland, an island more than 500 miles away. Around age 11, Henson became an orphan. Eventually, he took a job stocking shelves in a hat store. In water that cold, death comes in minutes. For the next few years, he sailed around the world. Muscles knot. He worked as a messenger. Today we continue a never-ending journey to bridge the meaning of those words with the realities of our time. Since 1896, in the landmark outcome of Plessy v. Ferguson, the doctrine of "separate but equal" had been considered acceptable under the United States Constitution. Unlike Peary, Henson learned the language of the Inuit and joined their celebrations. Peary decided that man should be him. But most white business owners refused to hire African Americans. Peary would have lost his feet completely had Henson not pushed him back to camp on a sled, an arduous 11-day journey. A nonfiction story is not fake. Within African American communities, he was deeply admired. He took his glorious place alongside Ferdinand Magellan and Marco Polo as one of history’s most illustrious explorers. Matthew Henson was born in 1866. Henson was leading the way with four Inuit men: Seegloo, Egingwah, Ooqueah, and Ootah. Henson made friends with the Inuit people he met. His niece, Olive Henson Fulton, once proudly told classmates that her uncle Matthew was a famous explorer. But by the time Henson died, in 1955, America was changing. In the coming decades, Henson won some minor awards. Chief Justice Earl Warren writes in the majority opinion: "We conclude that, in the field of public education, the doctrine of 'separate but equal… Highlighted words: ambitions, arduous, forbidding, illustrious, mandated, resonated, venture, Preview vocabulary. It was April 3, 1909, and an American explorer named Matthew Henson was trudging across the ice-covered Arctic Ocean. At that time, few people traveled more than a few miles from where they were born. (Note: This activity requires a deep understanding of the key ideas of the article. You would drink a lot of tea. Ootah had grabbed Henson and hauled him up, saving his life. Douglass’s words resonated deeply with young Henson, who dreamed of seeing the world. You would wear warm clothes sewn by Inuit women: a fur jacket with a thick hood, polar bear skin pants, and sealskin boots stuffed with grass. It should include an introduction explaining who Henson was and a guide to the exhibit. I will use each of these words in at least one example sentence, so you can see them in context. Trick to Remember the Difference. he seemed to fly up out of the water. He learned to read and became a skilled sailor and carpenter. He dined with President Theodore Roosevelt. Then watch the Behind the Scenes video and discuss the questions. Sailors who managed to escape their broken ships quickly died in temperatures as low as 60 degrees below zero. What is the Difference Between Fiction and Nonfiction? He was preparing for a Navy expedition to map a jungle in Central America. You now have the ability to preview what students will see when they log in to read any article. As a white man, he had many opportunities to make his dreams come true. He went to live with his uncle in Washington, D.C. During this time, Henson heard Frederick Douglass give a speech. But, eager to escape the hat shop, Henson accepted Peary’s offer. Learning Objective: to identify key details in an article about Matthew Henson, co-discoverer of the North Pole, and to create a brochure for an exhibit celebrating Henson’s life. In this post, I will compare fiction vs. nonfiction. Watch the video. Muscles knot. Even polar bears stayed away. On one trip, Peary’s feet became so frostbitten that eight toes snapped off. The granite headstone that marks his grave features a picture of his face, Arctic scenes, and these words: Matthew Alexander Henson Co-Discoverer of the North Pole. An explorer named Matthew Henson trudged across the ice-covered Arctic Ocean. (8 minutes)Project the Vocabulary Slideshow. The indigenous people of Greenland, called the Inuit, did not venture near the North Pole. 431 Likes, 4 Comments - George Mason University | GMU (@georgemasonu) on Instagram: “"As a freshman at Mason, I had difficulties being on my own for the first time. They faced many near-disasters. Vocabulary: Contains higher academic words (e.g., forbidding, mandated, resonated, venture) The position was far beneath Henson’s qualifications. You would sleep in igloos, dome-shaped shelters made from blocks of packed snow that the Inuit taught explorers how to build. But Peary would never treat Henson as an equal. Peary hired Inuit women to sew fur clothing and sealskin moccasins. His name was Robert Peary, and he was an engineer in the U.S. Navy. Preview vocabulary. They got lost in blizzards and at times nearly starved. The Inuit were skilled ice fishermen and hunters of arctic animals like seals, walruses, and polar bears. Choose a title from the following list: “Who I Am,” “What I Want You to Know,” or “Frozen Dreams.”. As planned, the ship headed back to New York. How can we right the wrongs of the past? What kinds of writing belong in each of these categories, and why? And so Henson could not get the kind of highly skilled work he was qualified for. And so he took a job stocking shelves in a hat store. Three days later, Henson, Peary, and the other men reached the North Pole. The new self-help book climbed its way to the top of the nonfiction best sellers list. It sits in the middle of the Arctic Ocean, which is covered in ice that is constantly moving and shifting. If you enjoy reading novels, you are a fan of reading fiction. His new friends taught him to hunt and icefish. For alternate culminating tasks, see the box below. Even polar bears stayed away. Little did Henson know how this decision would change his life—and history. Definition . So when he and Henson returned from Central America, Peary began planning for a yearlong trip to Greenland. Back in America between trips, Peary was surrounded by admirers. Gene Forrester returns to his old prep school.

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