[–]Kartingf1Fan 4 points5 points6 points 6 years ago (2 children). That was fucking awesome. on Severe Local Storms, Denver, CO. Amer. Soc., CD_ROM, 15.3. Climatol., Early online release: Lee, B. D., C. A. Finley, and C. D. Karstens, 2012: The Bowdle, South Dakota, cyclic tornadic supercell of 22 May 2010: Surface analysis of rear-flank downdraft evolution and multiple internal surges. TWISTEX will also have video probes that will provide visualization using 7 cameras each for a total of 14 cameras being deployed into the tornado core. If your submission does not appear in the new queue, please contact us (be sure to include a link to the Reddit post (i.e. You are free to offer your opinion respectfully, but comments or posts intended to demean a group, acontextual expressions of bigotry, and the pejorative use of slurs is disallowed. This is a very weak tornado, probably an EF1. Violations can lead to a permanent ban of accounts and video channels. Wea. They just happen in the US more, [–]WiscDC 1 point2 points3 points 6 years ago (0 children). Downhill skier with an incredible save after crashing at 75mph (120kph). I read about this storm-chaser group, and the monster tornado that killed them, awhile back in a well-written National Geo article. Collectively the two camera probes will be used for photogrammetry purposes to visualize/measure tornado-driven debris and hydrometeors as well as for determining the tornado-relative location of the HITPRs. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: Self explanatory. Soc., 8A.2. TWISTEX was featured in seasons 3, 4, and 5 of Discovery Channel's Storm Chasers. Grzych, M. L., B. D. Lee, and C. A. Finley, 2007: Thermodynamic analysis of supercell rear-flank downdrafts from Project ANSWERS. Tornadoes happen (mostly) all over the world! Progress on these research fronts is aimed toward increasing tornado warning lead time while the internal tornado near-surface sampling provides essential ground truth data for structural engineering analysis of the interaction of tornadic winds with homes and buildings.[2]. I remember walking past this one house, and the tornado had ripped the house basically in half, but standing against where one wall of the house would have been, was a computer desk with the computer and speakers still sitting on it, untouched. Initially, El Reno was given a moderate EF-3 rating by the Severe Storms Laboratory of the National Weather Service (NWS), in Norman, Oklahoma, with a … 84th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting - Eighth Symposium on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface, Seattle, WA., P4.9. Electronic proceedings, 25th Conf. I can't even fathom a tornado that's 2.6 miles across. One of the vehicles transports an array of in situ thermodynamic and video probes. Contrast that, as bad as it was, with Dan Robinson's video from the El Reno, OK tornado that killed Tim Samaras, his son Paul and his long-time chase partner Carl Young. Craziness. Strong tornados literally just sweep houses off their foundations. Twistex is a leading and well established company in the textile industry. [–]MusicalMutt 1 point2 points3 points 6 years ago (0 children), [–]PurpleKKKush420 1 point2 points3 points 6 years ago (0 children), Would like to have been in that car stoned as fuck, [–]tmthykrgr 1 point2 points3 points 6 years ago (0 children), [–]pwn777 1 point2 points3 points 6 years ago (0 children). 0:29 - 0:40 sounds like 100 videos of bowling pins getting knocked over being played at once. Proc. Detergent packs are kinda wishy-washy (Dishwashers Explained), Teacher Records Her Classroom Filled With Plexiglass Boxes For Her Students. [4] They were unable to escape along gravel roads as the funnel rapidly expanded to envelop them. Measurements are recorded at 10 samples/second, and stored on non-volatile flash cards. Soc., P8.27. So that takes care of the first category... [–]Dorkamundo 0 points1 point2 points 6 years ago (3 children), [–]CR7_Bale_Lovechild 0 points1 point2 points 6 years ago* (2 children). Although Carl is a native Californian, he was called east in 2000 after a spell working on Hollywood film crews. The experiment announced in 2015 that there were some plans for future operations, but no additional information has been announced since. on Severe Local Storms, Hyannis, MA, Amer. The El Reno tornado. Take note at 3:09 - that's the edge of the tornado visible in the right side of the frame as it grows to nearly 2.6 miles across - the largest ever recorded. [–]nickantt 0 points1 point2 points 6 years ago (0 children), I'm surprised the car didn't get demolished by another object, [–]Mrcheez211 0 points1 point2 points 6 years ago (0 children), [–]en0rt 0 points1 point2 points 6 years ago (0 children). Karstens, C. D., T. M. Samaras, W. A. Gallus, C. A. Finley, B. D. Lee 2010: Analysis of near-surface wind flow in close proximity to tornadoes. I thought the car was going to have liftoff. Storm chasers killed: Three storm chasers were among 13 killed in Oklahoma by tornadoes that hit the area at rush hour Friday. Titles for posts should not try to influence users to view or upvote them. The experiment announced in 2015 that there were some plans for future operations, but no additional information has been announced since.[1]. Those houses seemed very poorly constructed and even still, they stood. on Severe Local Storms, Denver, CO. Amer. Contrast that, as bad as it was, with Dan Robinson's video from the El Reno, OK tornado that killed Tim Samaras, his son Paul and his long-time chase partner Carl Young. TWISTEX (a backronym for Tactical Weather-Instrumented Sampling in/near Tornadoes Experiment) was a tornado research experiment that was founded and led by Tim Samaras of Bennett, Colorado, US. Report any messages you receive of suspicious offers to the moderator team. politicians or police officers) in an any manner that could be seen as an attempt to get users to contact them. because clearly the houses where too weak to stand against the tornado, the truck seemed to not move at all. on Severe Local Storms, Savannah, GA Amer. No asking for votes or sharing submission links on or off-site. Messages should be sent as a modmail to /r/Videos. [–]b4xt3r 0 points1 point2 points 6 years ago (0 children). Hamm & Bublé- SNL. [–]en2ropy[S] 18 points19 points20 points 6 years ago (2 children), On paper that would look amazing but in reality it would probably just be an unwatchable blur - like when someone dropped their gopro from a plane (it did land in a pigsty tho! Now try to imagine the terror you'd feel in the middle of a storm like this. After she decided to return to her village, her son made an extraordinary trip to reconnect with her. Soc., CD-ROM, 11.2. All of the hardened instrumentation can collect/store the datasets. This includes raw videos of fights, police brutality/harassment, and malicious violence. It happens very quickly, I remember hearing stuff slam into the dinning hall at summer camp, we were lucky it was just an f-1... all of us kids were hiding under a couple of tables. J. Appl. I can tell you that just seeing the aftermath of an EF5 or 6 was enough to change me at a fundamental level. Samaras, T.M., and J. J. Lee, 2004. The last image of the TWISTEX teams headlights moments before being struck by the largest tornado ever recorded. Electronic proceedings, 24th Conf. Simply deleting your post may cause the spam filter to catch future ones. Several vehicles were swept off … Would've liked to see that on a brick and mortar home. I'm always fascinated by nature and its destruction. Send us a mod mail anytime or head to our Discord linked above. That destruction was just flat. No videos of real-life, malicious person-on-person assault/battery or physical abuse of animals. he dropped it on accident, but yeah the gopro could have hurt someone. Unfreaking believable. Examples of this include things like "this person deserves more views," "not enough people have seen this person's videos," or "show this person some love.". Stream from Roku, iOS, Apple TV, Chromecast and more. Robinson's rear … This includes music visualizers and lyric videos. (So a video of Winston Churchill playing tennis would be allowed, but a video of Theresa May playing ping-pong would not be.). He was hit first if time-lines are to be believed. No videos that are licensed by a third party. Soc., P3.18. This technique will provide excellent time resolution for velocity determination of low-level tornado core winds and lofted debris. i guess that is the fundamental difference between a tornado and a warzone because the destruction was made by an inanimate thing without any pattern, [–]breakshot 0 points1 point2 points 6 years ago (0 children). In order to have your post accepted, if you can, find or submit a copy of the video on another website like YouTube or Vimeo and resubmit it. Fake information ([email protected], 123 fake street, etc) also falls under this rule. An image taken from video shows the vehicle that longtime storm chaser Tim Samaras, his son Paul and colleague Carl Young were killed when a powerful tornado hit near El Reno… The Norman, Okla.-based storm researcher followed the El Reno tornado in the field and made a narrow escape from its path. Later, he compiled radar data, video images and other information to help reconstruct the twister’s path and its intersection with the TWISTEX team. Utterly terrifying, [–]CanisMaximus 7 points8 points9 points 6 years ago (0 children). At the end of the video, perhaps a minute or two before the tornado overtook them, Samaras said in a matter-of-fact tone: "We're in a bad spot." This seems like a really weak tornado. One year ago, on May 31, 2013, a deadly tornado struck near El Reno. Live video footage captured the final moments of a group of stormchasers after they were killed in a car crash while following a tornafo. New York Post article on the TWISTEX incident. I put my cat in the Godzilla vs Kong trailer. Samaras, 55, and the others died after the May 31, 2013, El Reno tornado suddenly expanded and shifted direction, overtaking their vehicle. Meteorol. I always expect the cars to take flight in a tornado. An underappreaciated favorite. ), A great place for video content of all kinds. comments section), not the content you are linking). twistex death video https: ... he was a wonderful, kind human being. I just can't begin to wrap my head around how big that is. This page was last edited on 6 December 2020, at 00:20. 1–10, (doi 10.1061/40889(201)12). I can't describe it. Soc., 15.4, 1-14. One technique will be to record close tornado imagery using two digitally synchronized high-resolution high-speed cameras running at 500 frames per second for stereo photogrammetry techniques. Lee, B. D., C. A. Finley, C. D. Karstens, and T. M. Samaras, 2010: Surface observations of the rear-flank downdraft evolution associated with the Aurora, NE tornado of 17 June 2009. Pressure measurements within a large tornado. × Robinson, who moved to St. Louis from West Virginia eight years ago to chase storms full-time, saw immediately that the storm was now angling toward him. No links to playlists or to channel pages. Because they both look like birds. A strong thunderstorm could've impacted that shack. Wea. [5] Several other storm chasers, including The Weather Channel's Mike Bettes, were also caught in the same sub-vortex but escaped with only minor injuries. Watch Brandon Ivey's video of one of Sean Casey's TIVs, Brantly Hartgrove wrote another excellent account, like when someone dropped their gopro from a plane (it did land in a pigsty tho! Please see this thread for a more detailed explanation. It's like trying to imagine the size of the sun or something to me. A tornado strong enough to elicit the destruction you want would have thrown that car a mile before you got to see the good stuff. Definitely an F1 or less. Mon. Finley, C. A., and B. D. Lee, 2004: High resolution mobile mesonet observations of RFD surges in the June 9 Basset, Nebraska supercell during project answers 2003. El Reno Tornado Documents & Links: CHASE ACCOUNT: El Reno, OK tornado expedition log, images and links to other observer accounts TORNADO RATING: Statement on the rating of the May 31, 2103 El Reno, OK tornado GPS TRACK: GPS log with tornado track overlay (by my brother Matt Robinson) SPREADSHEET: Event time analysis from cameras - download in Excel, … Note: Submissions from new users, and users with low karma, are automatically removed to help prevent spam.

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