Feeling disconnected nowadays is a blessing. We looked deeper into the benefits of running outdoors here. Bonus: Research shows people who do intervals have more fun while running (really!) People who set and meet (or exceed) long-term fitness goals (like signing up for a half-marathon) may end up feeling more committed to and satisfied with their exercise routines than those who trudge along aimlessly. © 2021 Greatist a Red Ventures Company. I love how I feel after a 10 miler. If you really, really like potatoes and bread, running may well be a good reason to keep carbin’. Chanting or humming bores me. Just one run can increase energy and decrease fatigue. Serotonin is a complex, powerful neurotransmitter that's responsible for many aspects of your mental and physical health. And for those already hitting the recommended physical activity guidelines (that’s 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity each week), an extra spurt of exercise can lower your risk of heart disease even further. There is no greater sense of satisfaction than what you get from setting a personal goal and conquering it. High blood pressure (HBP), often known as the “silent killer,” is a health problem to keep at bay at all costs. I was running my personal best and I guess she saw the pain in my face. This condition may mimic other more serious disorders such as bronchial asthma and heart disease. Training for a race means work. We might run away from something or towards something, but we have all been caught in situations where we need to run. Consult your doctor if you have symptoms of EIB. Some days you have a full tank and some days you don't. Jazz up the ol’ treadmill run to get the same health benefits indoors. Last medically reviewed on December 17, 2020, Elite ultramarathoners share their tips on pushing past running roadblocks during training. So why do I run? This is why you should make sure you are in good physical condition before you embark on vigorous exercise routines, otherwise you could experience coughing after running. Running is my therapist. Need another excuse to go green? Reasons for running in my life are definitely the feeling of having the strength to not let anything get me down. At some point in life, we all need to run. One earlier study found that runners who ran outside and snagged a good view of nature showed increased self-esteem post-workout than those who had only unpleasant scenes to gaze at. In other words, it’s thought that if you eat or drink something that’s too acidic or something that can’t be readily absorbed, it can cause you to have side cramps when you run. A 2019 study found that running increases the presence in the body of bone formation markers, compounds that show how your body is absorbing and generating bone. (1) I run because it's the best form of meditation I know, and the only one that works for me. Racing is part of my running life. But if you grab yourself some friends, great tunes, or even your dog for accompaniment, you’re in for a world of health benefits. Most people I know find that crazy. Grab a leash and give your pet a new kind of treat. Falling in love also has link to evolution, so our hunter/gatherer roots must be something to write home about. I run for health and fun, so I'll keep going, even after I run a "real" race. Running turned us from apes to humans and was used by our ancestors to catch prey and elude predators (oh, how sneaky we were). Often you hear the question on very hot or cold days, windy or rainy days, days where you ran very early or late at night, or after a long or hard run where you look exhausted. Even better: Running may encourage higher quality sleep, which translates into better Zzz’s all night long. It gives me some kind of satisfaction. Apples aren’t the only things that keep the doctor away. The benefits of running for your bod won’t come as much of a surprise. You won’t see me doing anything half ways. Sabrina Wieser is a running expert based in New York City and the founder of Runningbrina - She is a certified running coach and experienced marathon runner. I’m either 100% or nothing. You should check that out as well. Have you ever thought about, how much time we actually spend inside? Another theory points to the way one breathes. We're here for health and fun, if it stops being fun, you won't run, and won't get better. Because sometimes the only answer is running through a field, “Sound of Music” style. While more recent reviews found that limited research supports the link between aerobic exercise and improved sexytime in women around the time of menopause, feeling good about yourself certainly won’t hurt your ability to feel good in bed. And whether you feel it or not, running engages your midsection, strengthening those all-important muscles. There are times when the reasons for running are hard to explain. And let’s not forget that lasting longer isn’t restricted to the track — it’s useful in, uh, other areas as well (tee hee hee). When you mess up – do your run from God or…run to Him? I’m not slacking. Good job, then, that putting in some good ol’ fashioned roadwork can bring your resting blood pressure down, according to a 2020 study. Have I not shown my gentleness? For example when I’m having a hard time to get out of the bed on the weekends to run my long run, or when I’m super tired already, but I know I have to finish this exact workout right now because I won’t have time later on. And you can do it for free, anytime. A 2020 systematic review on people who live with multiple sclerosis (MS), for example, found that regular exercise is vital for reining in the fatigue symptoms of MS. Running has connected me with so many other runners, both in person through running groups and online. A … Joining Facebook groups can connect you with like-minded people who can immerse you in everything running. No! and might be more likely to keep it up. How often do you get asked the question, “Why do you Run?” Usually it is from a non-runner who does not understand why you take the time and energy to go out and run. But it can still help. I could be super angry about something start my run and feel relieved and less stressed after the workout. I came as a wee babe, so I would not scare you. Try going for a jog instead of lounging on the couch. Why do you run away my child? More bone formation markers = more bone for your buck. What do you know? Why don't you run from me? One of the most frequent questions I’m asked is, “Why do you run so much – What are your reasons for running?” I’m giving a quick answer like, “I just need to do it for my inner peace.” Most likely that confuses everybody even more and might confirm their suspicion that somebody who runs so much as I do must be crazy. Try minimalist sneakers or nothing at all. A 2011 study on mice also found that hitting the track might reduce dementia symptoms and protect the brain against Alzheimer’s, although the researchers couldn’t definitely extend these findings to humans. It’s easy to rack up miles, and running can help you incubate curiosity about where you live and what you’re capable of. I feel so strong and satisfied both immediately after a run and in the longterm—from the confidence that crossing finish lines or just finishing your hard workout gives you that carries over into your daily life. Even jogging 1 mile in 9 minutes helps burn 730 calories in men and 580 calories in women. Resistance training is awesome, but word on the street is running might help produce even stronger bones than cranking out reps. Running helps build the muscle that lower-impact workouts ignore, keeping bones healthier, even as they age. And to achieve that swiftness, they use certain leg muscles quite differently than runners past age 50 do, according to a new study of runners’ strides at different ages. Getting into any hobby, passion, or lifestyle gives you a whole new set of ideas and words to play with. The sofa is so cosy after all. A 2020 review found that studies support a link between running and improved mood. Get ahead of the conversation with our list of running lingo. Glycation happens when excess blood sugar sticks to the molecules of collagen and elastin in the tendons and skin — and once glucose starts messing with the proteins that keep our skin strong and supple, mobility issues can occur. This is no infomercial. It also helps you love yourself and your body, brings down your levels of stress-induced compounds, and helps you create and stick to goals. A strong core improves posture, strengthens limbs, and helps make everyday activities a breeze. Ready to pull your hair out? Runners are super cool people. Here are 30 reasons to hit the ground running. Temperatures still not just right? January 2018 by Sabrina Wieser. Why do my legs itch when I run? So why do I do this? The truth is, just before you run is the worst possible moment to try to explain to someone, or even to yourself, why you run. Her expertise in enhancing running performance through training and nutrition has been recognized by many within the running community and different media outlets such as Huffington Post, the Dr Oz Show and adidas running. Would I experience all of this when I wasn’t running? It just doesn't make sense. On the flipside, a 2020 study found that feeling dissatisfied with your body image can f*ck with your ability to climax, both solo and with a partner. Running is a great way to make progress and discover parts of yourself you never knew about. People who run for just 5 to 10 minutes a day can reduce their risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. Running is one of the best butt-kicking, calorie-blasting workouts around. My closer friends and family know my inner beast. And people with vaginas who engage in 150 minutes of workouts, like running, each week can reduce their lifetime risk of breast cancer by at least 9 percent, according to a 2016 study. For example, in a study of 221 male and female endurance athletes, there was a high prevalence of symptoms directly correlated with a known history of GI problems. Why do YOU run? We took a look at the calories that disappear in the almighty squat — learn more here. It’s important, as well, not to fall into many of the traps that greet first-time runners. Running makes me feel empowered and resilient 2. It happens to a lot of runners. So lace up those sneakers and get moving. A morning or evening stroll is a great way to kick off or conclude your day by taking in your surroundings, clearing your head, and breathing some fresh air. However, for people who already have a diagnosis of HBP, the effects of running on blood pressure depend on how hardcore the run is. Running every day may have some health benefits. Sweating produces a peptide called dermcidin that kills bacteria in the skin. Young runners are different from you and me. Instead of a leisurely strolling pace, however, a jog around the neighborhood will burn more calories in the same amount of time, plus confer all the above benefits. When we all fall asleep, where do … I’m pretty sure you’ll find yourself in some of my reasons why I run. I take that as a blessing since I spend most of my day inside the office, at home, on the train, the gym, or the grocery store. Don't be discouraged if you hit a personal best one day, and the next you bonk. Why do you distract yourself from me? Check out local running groups or websites like Meetup and hit the road with other health-minded folks. What are my reasons for running? I also shared my experience on how running relieves stress for me before. The only time I have my phone in my hand while I’m running is to take a picture, that’s it. Especially if you’re out running in a brisk wind, the chill will blow the cobwebs right off you. A super intense run can burn 920 calories in men and 740 calories in women — but you don’t even have to go at it full force to shift that pent-up energy. Dogs are man’s best friend for a reason, and they can be man’s best workout buddy too. It’s a fantastic way to keep yourself motivated during winter months and create a fitness lifestyle, not just a fad. We do DevOps to iterate faster, run experiments to optimize our product for our customer. That brings us to our passage in Deuteronomy 30. While it seems like getting active might wear you out, it’s actually more likely to refresh you. Believe it or not, running is actually a great way to increase your … I run to further my relationship with my body. Running can boost your heart, bone, and muscle strength, as well as improving your stamina and even (possibly) boost your sex life. Playing “Call of Duty” just doesn’t hit the right spot. Pop in headphones when running to increase speed and get a little energy boost. First, it helps to understand what happens to your body when you start a new aerobic activity. Otherwise, simply eat those foods after you run. Running is amazing for your body, brain, and soul. Running is a great chance to reconnect with the part of you that gets a kick out of dodging wooly mammoth charges. I asked him why my heart rate spiked to 100% when I tried to run anywhere near 6 min/km (9:40 min/mile). You can rack up the miles no matter what the weatherman says (just dress appropriately!). Running connects us to death. Just make sure, for safety, you let someone know an approximate time you should be back. Running Improves Your Health. Here’s an excuse to slurp up more spaghetti: During intense training (like preparing for a race), increasing carb intake can help your performance and boost your mood during harder runs. Bonus: A solid core can improve your running performance.Running loves your core, and your core loves running right back. Why do you con­tin­ue running—even when it hurts? However, it’s not all roses. (Just remember to remove makeup preworkout and wash gently afterward to avoid breakouts.). I feel the wind, the cold, I run in the heat (even though I don’t like it), I feel rain on my skin and watch the most beautiful sunrises in the morning. My individual reasons for running 1. Still not convinced? Twenty questions is just as good during a run (boozy brunches afterward are optional). So I started thinking about it: What are my very individual reasons for running? Feeling sluggish? Our content does not constitute a medical consultation. My schedule is super tight and super timed out also. However, making that all-important step from your living room onto the tarmac can be hard. Running helps your thinker think and stay happy. Forget fancy equipment or a pricey gym membership: When it comes to running, all you need is the right footwear. Not only do runners have fewer disabilities and remain active longer than their sedentary counterparts, but they actually live longer too, according to a 2019 review. It’s about the training before and my way to the finish line. Running is hard. But it’s also standing in between you and your personal well-being. People often don’t give running credit as a contributor to core strength in the same way as something like Pilates. If you run every day, experiment to find a tolerable level of fiber. Just be sure to ease into this type of running to avoid injuries. Dog owners, do you run with your dogs and if so what distance do you run and what breed is your dog. Running is about as wholesome as this story about a family finding a koala bear in a Christmas tree. Let’s race 4. I love talking about running! 11 Easy Moves That Make Running Way Less Miserable, 26 Pro Tips to Push Past Every Single Running Roadblock, 199 Miles Later: Takeaways from Running Hood to Coast, 6 Tips for Getting Back Into Running (When You Just Really Don't Wanna). I run to explore and more closely understand the land. I am able to take these feelings in my daily life and also with me to the next workout. Why do you care for me? Exercise has been shown to help keep the mind sharp. Especially after running the NYC Marathon for the first time in 2017 I feel like nothing in the world can intimidate me anymore. And the final reason is the biggest, most enduring connection of all. Running brings me community and awareness You should shoot for 4 minutes, or eight rounds. It requires effort. I’ll never forget that girl in Central Park at a 5 miles race who pushed me through the finish. Those are sim­ple ques­tions to ask, but not always sim­ple to answer. You're running, and all of a sudden, you get a side stitch or cramp, a stomach cramp, or your leg muscle clenches.. Believe it or not, working up a sweat can rid your pores of the gunk that clogs them and leads to those pesky breakouts. © 2021 runningbrina | All Rights Reserved. (Just be mindful not to overdo it and cause more damage than good.). Runners tend to adapt to set sleeping routines that give them the foundation to maintain high performance. I've tried yoga - I can't stop worrying about my terrible balance, and whether anyone notices that I'm pretty sure my yoga outfit costs a full $200 less than the woman next to me. Being outside with my music and thoughts means the world to me. Running makes me experience the nature, 5. Learn how to avoid the mistakes of running here. Running brings me community and awareness. Not only does physical activity reduce the levels of stress hormones, like cortisol, doing it regularly might actually remodel the brain, making it calmer and more stress resistant — it certainly did so in a 2012 study on mice. One in the morning which is most likely the run and another one at night at the gym where I focus on weight training obviously. I run because it makes me happy. Not only does earlier research suggest that having a rockin’ runner’s bod boost confidence in bed, but also that regular exercise can also help flexibility between the sheets and get you in the mood more often. His answer was "Yea, years of being obese and inactive tend to do that. See how to solve everything from dehydration to stomach…, Even the most experienced runners start to lose their desire to run long distances. Honestly it’s not about finishing first place. Interval training helps boost metabolism and rev up your cardiovascular fitness. I generally find myself answering the question of why I run with a wide range of small answers which I hope come together to formulate a valuable larger picture. 2. I’ve already experienced that a little bit in my life because I regret not traveling and seeing more of the world when I was younger and not tied down to a job, pets, hubby, etc… That means pounding the pavement and putting too much pressure on your joints and connective tissue might not be a great move. Running makes me feel empowered and resilient, 4. There are many reasons why we have the urge to go while running, ranging from gut motility to genetics. . And also just hang around with a dog more — what’s not to relish? I love helping other runners with tips and advice. Goal-setting then becomes an upward spiral — you set the goals to motivate yourself, then hit the goals to motivate yourself further and set even more impressive targets. I love hitting that sweet spot of tired and runner’s high. Turns out Bruce Springsteen was right: We were born to run. Yes, we’re presenting a whole bunch of reasons why you should go for a run right about now — but not why you should do it too much. HIIT is a great fat-burner, but it’s a lot for the body, so try to shoot for 2-3 HIIT workouts per week. When to Seek Medical Help. For advice on the injuries that can come from excessive running, we’ve got you covered. We won’t even judge your playlist. In addition to it being great exercise, the reason I run and train for races is the logic in the Mark Twain quote about being disappointed in the things that you didn’t do. Visit the doctor less. Running makes me go outside. There’s not a huge amount of research on the balance benefits of running. But an earlier study found that older adults with running experience tend to stop themselves falling more successfully after tripping up than those without, recovering with a single step. It is inevitable. Learn more about the symptoms of a serotonin … The study authors recommend low-mileage, moderate-intensity runs to reduce your blood pressure. Studies show that running just 5 to 10 minutes each day at a moderate pace may help reduce your risk of death from heart attacks, strokes, … Give it time and follow some kind of a running program for speed". I feel like people want me to elaborate on exactly what reason I have why I run. Why do I run? (And maybe the right gear for when it gets cold.). A review from 2019 found that staying active might help you prevent 15 percent of colorectal cancers. Still, getting your legs going can help clear your head and bring renewed focus. At least one day before running, limit or avoid sweeteners called sugar alcohols (isomalt, sorbitol, others) — most often found in sugar-free candies, gum and ice cream. I own multiple pitbull type dogs and we run a high paced 3 km round and a lower paced 10 km run … No bad for a little bit of sidewalk pounding. I put the huge ques­tion of “Why do you run?” to all of my friends*, and encour­aged them to for­ward it on to any­one they know who runs, request­ing that … You can use this to target the part of your body you want to tone. I am very curious if the dog you own corresponds with the distance and speed you run. You don’t have a limited or dwindling supply of semen, so you won’t run out. Research that took place during the COVID-19 pandemic found that motivation and reward are key elements for getting people active at a time when they’d really, really rather binge all three “A Christmas Prince” movies and cry into their tortilla chips. Running is part of us. I’m such a motivated and competitive person. My running days right now are also my workout days at the gym which means I have to push myself through two workouts. One of those theories points to pre-run food choices as the culprit. Whether you’re breaking new ground in your metrics on the treadmill or discovering new corners of your hometown (or, if you’re feeling super smug, the next town over) or a park. Running regularly will improve stamina, making workouts more enjoyable and productive. Forget boring laps around a track. Why do you avoid my gaze? Why do you run? Burning calories means you earn your carbs and treats — and running is a super effective way to do so. See a certified medical professional for diagnosis. Have you ever heard of the runner’s high? Never. Have I not shown that I do not judge, but instead surround you with my ocean of mercy and compassion? A solid sweat session can also boost natural oils, keeping your skin fresh and healthy. What are you wondering? While running might be a pain to some of us, others enjoy running and it sure is very beneficial to us. document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute("id","a9f444530cce81656a71db37dd6f1332");document.getElementById("a4f6b4d627").setAttribute("id","comment"); Your email address will not be published. Even better: Lace up your sneakers on your next vacation to explore a new place. This is also why I love to race by the way. It’s also a great physically distanced activity to do with the friends you already have during COVID times. Basically helping me not to slow down and keep up with her fast pace. What do you want from me? Why aren't you scared of me? The review also suggested that studies on the running/mental health connection use limited sample sizes, and that running might contribute to exercise addiction and other potential mental health difficulties. Don’t Do a HIIT Workout Every Day. They have more speed. That’s what forgiveness looks like. But fall is the perfect time to fall in love with running…. Running makes me experience the nature 5. Want to feel the grass tickle your toes? Apples aren’t the only things that keep the doctor away. I run because I love it. Going for your first run may seem tough. Good bye world 3. I run to help my mind understand itself. Some others feel inspired or motivated. Required fields are marked, 1. Runners help each other and support you. Last Updated on 19. So when you’re running, you’re generating heat—and even if it feels cold when you start a run, you should feel pretty OK once you’re moving. I preached compassion and forgiveness. If your mood is low or you feel in a funk, going on a run can help you clear your head and feel better. It has made me aware of the many charities that people run for, the causes that are close to their hearts and drive them towards pushing through mile after mile when it gets tough. I look forward to weekend long runs and quick miles on a weekday morning. If you run seriously, you toe the line of your own mortality, seen daily in physical progress followed by both gradual and sudden failures, some nearly imperceptible and some completely catastrophic. A more recent study posited running as a therapy tool for self-esteem issues. So whatcha gonna do about it? All she did was smile at me as she came closer. The researchers put this health benefit down to reduced glycation in the tendons of long-distance runners. According to research from 2020, stress fractures account for 10 percent of sporting injuries in general but 30 percent of running injuries. However, it’s also hard work to start out — here’s how to make it fit your vibe. Instead of tuning in to a brainless reality TV marathon, try running an actual marathon. You are your Heavenly Father’s daughter – no matter how far you run – you are still His and when you return – He will be faithful to you – even when you have been faithless. Not very conducive to meditation. It allows me to voice all my insecurities and fears, and then tells me to let …

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