Share on Facebook Email This Video. I favour the Moon base too. We need to put more effort and resources into satellites, ocean studies, climate studies, renewable energy, health, agriculture, etc. But would establishing a base on the red planet really be worthwhile? We all have a lot of questions about Mars. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. 2) radiation on Mars will kill the astronauts. It will cost far less and provide just as much information about Mars by sending artificial humans than the real things. This messed up my thoughts and made me wonder. and partially in the shade, are able to show measurable activity and carry out photosynthesis, absorbing humidity from the atmosphere (relative humidity reaches 100% at night on Mars). Why You Shouldn't Get Too Excited About The Mars One Mission. Mars is the one planet that people believe is most likely to contain life or has contained life. Overpopulation and limited resources on Earth makes Mars a potentially suitable place to colonize. Im just highlighting the fact that the “global hunger” argument falls to pieces very easily. Therefore, radioresistant terran extremophiles (there are many) could definitely survive them for thousand of years in complete dormancy — just as they would survive the occasional solar storms until they reach the safety of a possible Mars surface habitat where they can wake up. Skills Sheets (1) Lesson Plan (1) expand to see all article resources collapse to see fewer resources. So that is one big question answered for you there. To read more detailed rebuttals, check out these articles: Why Resilient Humans Would Survive Giant Asteroid Impact – Even With Over 90% Of Species Extinct. We need more visionaries like Musk rather than naysayers. Thursday, 22 September 2016 - 12:00PM. This is an example of direct communication that doesn’t blur the lines and allows both parties to communicate more clearly. I give your long term planing a 1/10. But sending people to Mars for long periods of time would be extremely unsafe, and we shouldn’t do it. 6. Why again take such a huge risk to confuse the study? 4) Robots can travel to Mars without risk of death. You have entered an incorrect email address! thanks. Choose a quality that can be seen as a positive within this company culture or work role (whereas in another corporate setting or job, this same quality might not be embraced). There are 2 classical objections raised by Humans-to-Mars enthusiasts: These appealing objections do not stand up to close scrutiny. “I do not think it makes sense to establish a long-term human settlement on Mars, only because it is not desirable as a long-term destination due to radiation concerns.”. The largest volcano in the solar system is on Wiki User Answered . Narrow perspective, in my honest opinion – if the “study” is your central argument. Why does it have to be one or the other? I’m just saying. Cartoons. Shall we go?”. Not convincing, as there are so many other technical challenges we could, and have, set ourselves to overcome, like putting an end to climate change, or to hunger. I jest of course. “Establishing a colony on Mars is incredibly technically challenging and expensive,” University of Michigan’s Aaron Ridley told Futurism. Understanding the origin of life wouldn´t help as many people as the technological innovation from a Martian colony would. Mars would never be the same again—the irreversible move needs to be extensively debated before it is too late. Apparently there used to be life on Mars, if the life got killed by something, why would we want to go there? Daily Headlines. If we find it needed, for some reason, to terraform Mars for our needs, well, fancy rock formations shouldn’t be stopping us from doing it. Sending humans to Mars is an enormous challenge, and these are just a handful of the obstacles that would need to be overcome. These appealing objections do not stand up to close scrutiny. Scientist Stephen Hawking claims that humans need to colonize planets in the next 1,000 years to ensure survival. Anonymous. But its a good idea to build a moon base first, well, in my opinion. And to do this, we must gain practice in setting up bases and travelling from planet to planet. … Think about this if we sent somebody out to Mars and it wasn't safe then that person wouldn't come back. And I do mean surface: many ideas of such surface habitats have been suggested. This idea has been argued by certain groups of people with supporting or opposing view. Mars One will conduct a global search to find the best candidates for the first human mission to Mars. We want to go there to see if we can find evidence of life, a second genesis, and if we don’t find it, we want to establish new life on Mars—our own. After all, it’s our desire to explore our surroundings, just like we did with the Moon, that makes us human. Another reason we should go to Mars, according to deGrasse Tyson, is to inspire the next generation of space explorers. The arguments above show that we are perhaps not ready to go to Mars – at least, not today. No thanks. The iron oxide found in the dust would actually protect microbes from UV radiation. As we continue to explore farther out into our solar system and beyond, the question of habitation or colonization inevitably comes up. When asked in 2013 if we should go to Mars , he responded: 3) Cost- if NASA does it then it costs taxpayers. Get the latest happenings within Asia's space industry delivered to your inbox every week! That big, cold, lonely lump of rock spinning through the endless void 54.6 million kilometers away? And I believe that the answer is: no, we should not! Once in these habitats, if they exist, they could start again to metabolize and grow. Our microbes could possibly then share genes with some potential Mars life (if they share a common ancestor), which would completely confuse our search. Recently, at a National Geographic Live event in Seattle, we collected quite a few. As if it might develop into complex life if we leave alone? We are there right now. Why did Columbus travel west? I’m no expert on any of this. SpaceTech Asia welcomes previously-unpublished articles, graphics and opinions from across the world. Getting to Mars will be prohibitively expensive, and figuring out a method of paying for the project isn’t so easy. But no harm building a Moon base! That would probably be the worst reason to jeopardize our unique chance to study a pristine Mars. Now there are tourist bases in Antarctica that are not [government] science research bases.”. However, certain endeavors need to be prioritized over others, and right now it doesn’t seem like a permanent Martian settlement is the best use of our resources. Lastly, we cannot rule out either that our microbes will threaten potential Mars life, or its remains, whether directly or by accident. The password to access the protected tests and answer keys is: ReadersProtect > Starter > Beginner > Elementary > Pre-intermediate > Intermediate > Upper Intermediate; Starter Level. Mars gets a lot of meteorites from Earth, and it’s possible that microbes could survive such a trip aboard a meteorite, so again any harm that could be done with Earth life has been done, so no need to fuss about that threat any more. We’re gonna colonize Mars. These microbes are bound to find their way to the Mars surface at some point, whether it be after a crash (close to two-thirds of the 40+ missions to Mars have failed to this day), or because of air leaks from the habitat’s airlock, or from the spacesuits which are designed to leak some air at the joints to facilitate movement. NASA is building an engine that could take us there. Favourite answer. Who can even envision the incredible feeling of being the first human in history to step out of the capsule and leave your footprint on the surface of Mars? Or Earth life could simply end up eating Mars life’s food and starve it. Mars’ gravity is less than Earth but large enough to lure gases and form an atmosphere. Relevance. Probably not. Remember how the Moon landing got watched by 600 million people? We would have to cut health-care benefits, education spending, other important programs, or even raising taxes to make up the money to launch 1,000 tons into space. Imagine living on another planet, millions of miles from the Earth; looking up into the sky with the knowledge that one of the 'stars' is actually the planet you were born on. The question isn’t really “Can we technically send Humans to Mars?” because sooner or later we’ll be able to — most likely thanks to Elon Musk’s hard work. For a start, there are more microbes in our body than even body cells — and we’re not even counting microbes in the air we’ll breathe in the ship and on the Mars base. It would increase dramatically the risk of forward contamination of the Mars surface with our earthly microbes, which would ruin our unique chance to study a pristine Mars. Small robots can reach nooks and crannies that clumsy humans in spacesuits will never be able to. Those who want to see humans land on Mars — so as to witness history — are probably the ones who will get bored the quickest after some time. After ~1990 tourism started to grow. Could Anything Make Humans Extinct In The Near Future? Fonts by Typekit and Monotype. 1. Lichens, which are multi-cellular lifeforms, did the trick as well! Richard Ryan Grove says: December 31, 2011 at 8:19 PM In addition, there are countries without manned space programs that still have food shortages. By this we implore you to not just think of that feeling for the astronaut, but the exp… Reading Level: 1030L Life and Culture. The current record for Mars missions is 18 successes, and 25 failures. ... Two reasons not to go to Mars. He argued that while the red planet is certainly “scientifically interesting,” the enormous costs associated with a permanent station make it unlikely, especially given that establishing a colony wouldn’t be a solution to a problem like overpopulation. Cause we might find someone hanging like a bat there :P . Тαмαηηα ! “The analogy here is the Antarctic bases from 1955 to about 1990,” he told Futurism. Therefore, it's possible that before humans go to Mars, scientists might send animals into an orbit around the moon, for example, Robinson said. If Humans go to Mars, they’ll have no choice but to bring with them their microbes — this is inevitable. What a drip…. ... because as of yet we have not seen that much science from Mars One to give us an awful lot of confidence in the 2025 deadline. Answer Save. We’ve got some awesome news for you. Once the excitement of being a Mars One colonist wears off, the realities may start to set in. Start studying Why we shouldn't go to mars- Vocabulary. 4 Reasons Why We Don't Explore Space--and Why They Aren't Reasons At All (Part 1 of 4) Science. Lv 6. GCRs are energetic particles that … Elon Musk wants to go to Mars. If SpaceX or some other space exploration company does it, then it is paid for by investors, not taxpayers. Today, as America plans to lead efforts to send humans to Mars in the early 2030s, it is important to clearly articulate the rationale for undertaking such ambitious missions. I just think there has to be reasons that you get up in the morning and you want to live” as he puts it. Being part of the Mars One colony is not only extremely dangerous, it is a recipe for a science fiction horror story. We send them all to mars, making them think we are all right behind them. If there is only microbial life sure it will be interesting, but at the end the day the supremecy of man should reign supreme. 1. That logo btw ! We are supposedly threatened by life extinction events, man-made or otherwise, and we need to become a multi-planetary species as soon as possible. Why we Shouldn't go to Mars, A Wall of Remembrance, A Mother's Words, and Timeline. Andrew Rich/Vetta/Getty Images. It would increase dramatically the risk of forward contamination of the Mars surface with our earthly microbes, which would ruin our unique chance to study a pristine Mars. answer choices. We shouldn't go to Mars. I’d like to see us get started at expanding civilization where we can when we can. We shouldn’t go because we might contaminate Mars? To what end? Let me know your reasons why, or your reasons why not in the comments section down below. Humans should go to Mars to slowly work towards building a civilization there, according to Digital Trends. Its gravity is one-third than gravity is on Earth, a slump in weight that will require its colonists some time to get accustomed to. Was a good read until you dripped the old “why don’t we focus on feeding the poor” argument. Why we shouldn't go to mars? Can we afford to go to Mars? and partially in the shade, are able to show measurable activity and carry out photosynthesis, absorbing humidity from the atmosphere (relative humidity reaches 100% at night on Mars). JAXA, Sony to research in-orbit laser communications, China to introduce new Yuanzheng-1S upper stage for smaller payloads, Utilization of Space Resources: Indonesia’s Perspective, Interview: Founder of OrbitX on sustainable launches, the Philippines’ space industry, India allocates US$1.91 billion to Department of Space, an increase of 3.5% over 2020, Australia’s Moonshot to launch 2021 accelerator program, invest up to AU$40k per startup, Japan develops metal mesh for onboard deployable reflectors, Orbital Assembly to build Voyager Station, a space habitat, by 2030, Earth observation consortium EO-ALERT endorses Addvalue’s IDRS. Robots will only get better and more autonomous thanks to AI. Why should we go to mars?:p. While this has its own benefits, most would agree that the red planet is more interesting — even if it’s harder to reach. We simply have too many pressing needs on Earth and in the United States to spend money on such a frivolous venture. The astronauts must be intelligent, creative, psychologically stable and physically healthy. Not even governments. If You're Feeling Sluggish, Here Are Some Inspiring Quotes We do have some idea of what to expect from long-term zero gravity thanks to astronauts like Scott Kelly and Mikhail Kornienko, who just this year completed a year-long space mission. The question of hynger has existed since the dawn of man. Mars would never be the same again—the irreversible move needs to be extensively debated before it is too late. In such a scenario, any Mars life would probably be our Archaebacteria’s cousin. “I think it makes sense to go to Mars with humans to test technologies and to do scientific experiments — a short term visit or visits,” she told Futurism. That’s highly dubious, as robots actually let us do more using less money. Excellent article and worthy of discussion and serious thought. And I believe that the answer is: no, we should not! , caused by a microbe that evolved to feed on the Ameoba, but which happens to be able to target our white blood cells by pure coincidence and thus infect humans. The Moon is actually much more interesting than most people assume. That’s Elon Musk’s other reason to go: “it’s important to have a future that is inspiring and appealing. “Not convincing, as there are so many other technical challenges we could, and have, set ourselves to overcome, like putting an end to climate change, or to hunger. Three reasons why we shouldn't go to Mars . Okay all of those can be addressed, protection from cosmic radiation, centrifuge sleeping quarters and indeed the whole habitat could be set spinning to increase the gravity felt inside, and UV radiation easy enough to protect against. I think we should make people think we are going to mars. Any such harm would make the study of Mars (which had liquid oceans for a billion years) much harder, if not impossible. The fact is, we already have been to Mars. It is great that we sent people safely to and from the moon, but now people have more computing power in their hands than the entire NASA space program in the moon flight years, so just imagine what IA and robotics will be like in 15-20 years. Not to mention nobody should be allowed to make the decision to remain here for humanity. Skills Sheets (7) Skills Sheets ... Should Humans Go to Mars? All the reasons advanced to vindicate the act of Humans traveling to Mars are either wrong or can be addressed in a way that spares Mars. You’re wrong. It’s ours. The potential advantages outweigh the definitive disadvantages. We have been operating rovers on the surface of Mars since 1997, and landed another one, Curiosity, in 2012. No matter where Earth microbes would be released, they would reach potential habitats in a matter of years, or decades at most. It is irresponsible to spend money for scientists to risk their lives to go to Mars. Unconvincing arguments. Definitely will happen I think the amount of money wated on this “flight of fatansy” to go to Mars is ridiculous. Professor Stephen Hawking is eager to see us search for a new planet to call home. And you’re saying we should just stay right here on our own rock. To think that throwing 100 billion dollars at the problem and having it magically disappear is deluded, to put it mildly. Space is a very hazardous place for humans. Others recognize these risks, but then argue that they are worth taking in light of what stands to be gained from sending humans to Mars. We have always been looking to do things in a better way or with a new tool, or trapeze or canoe or sail to a new place, or experience a new adventure. In a sense, the easy answer is no. Maybe in 60 year we will have better tech to make this trip, but today you would have more luck spending a month in the Antarctic with a lean-to and a blanket. text analysis: counterargument A strong counterargument is an important part of any argument. How to Answer the Job Interview Question “Why Shouldn’t We Hire You?” The best way to answer this question is to twist it around to emphasize a strength. How can you suggest that we would be better off “solving world hunger” and then end the article with “let’s build a Moon base”? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. “In terms of science, Mars is way more interesting than the moon,” wrote McKay. Should / shouldn’t 6. should 7. shouldn’t 8. should 9. should 10. shouldn’t 11. should 12. Do you agree? 2012-03-05 17:28:51 2012-03-05 17:28:51. because why would we want to go to an emty rocky planet with red soil. You read that right. And I do mean surface: many ideas of such surface habitats have been suggested (salty seeps, melt water under clear polar ice, ice fumaroles, dune bioreactors, among others). Once in these habitats, if they exist, they could start again to metabolize and grow. 6 years ago. See the. We cannot rule out a common ancestor for Earth life and possible present or past Mars life. How many books, movies, and TV shows have included terraformed planets in the future? 1 To see pyramids in space. Why did Marco Polo head east? It has been demonstrated that some cyanobacteria, when put in a chamber simulating Mars surface conditions (same air, temperature, pressure, UV, etc.) The combined skill set of each astronaut team member must cover a very wide range of disciplines. michael moore. The arguments above show that we are perhaps not ready to go to Mars – at least, not today. He listed three main advantages: its similarity to Earth in terms of planetary processes and history, the possibility of life, and the potential for terraforming the planet. Yeah, you. A) “Thousands of billions” and “one thousand billions” is not correct. Anyone who uses this argument has zero understanding of how space exploration (and charity) is funded. Rebuttal: One may argue that given the harsh realities of the Mars environment, communities and colonies there will be closer to the military style found in submarines than to what we think of as a libertarian utopia. Mars is smaller than Earth, with gravity only 38% of what you’re used to here. This is just one simple minded man’s opinion. Dr. Arvidson directs the Earth and Planetary Remote Sensing Laboratory, and has worked on… Anticipates what the other side might say and answers possible objections with reasons and evidence. I’m not asking for backlash from people that don’t believe in aliens. People will die there cause that world is not friendly at all. Science will improve life on earth just fine without sending humans to Mars. Rovers that can only be used for limited activities? And we could also think of having people in the orbit of Mars remotely operating robots in real time on the surface —. However, given the construction of an artificial environment, life on Mars could be possible. 1) fuel, payload, weight issue not yet solved “Why We Shouldn’t Go to Mars” for Time magazine. ”. Answer Save. Why not a moon base and go to Mars? How do you know this? We call them ‘extremophiles’; Chroococcidiopsis, for instance, is a microbe that can withstand huge temperature swings as well as prolonged ionizing radiations. We have so far identified—let alone DNA-sequenced—a very limited share of the Earth’s microbial world. It seems that we’re more likely to establish a base on the moon before Mars. planetary scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Center. Mars is an obvious target for exploration because it is close by in our Solar System, but there are many more reasons to explore the Red Planet. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Futurism. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and is about half the size of Earth. If you have enjoyed reading this article, do take a moment to subscribe to our email newsletter here. Settling on Mars isn’t going to make anyone rich, and that’s going to make it more difficult to accrue the money required for such an expensive project. “I think it would be a natural next step in our human exploration to visit the Moon and/or Mars, but to stay for the long term probably requires an economic justification,” said Hendrix. All for us. Five mains reasons are put forward, with my rebuttals underneath: But no harm building a Moon base! If there were no other considerations to be made, most would agree that a Mars colony could be a fascinating project. Space is one of the areas that was on the horizon of development for the Founding Fathers of the Indonesia, with the establishing of... SpaceTech Asia is an online publication based in Singapore. Luckily for us, Dr. Ray Arvidson, planetary geologist and professor at Washington University in St. Louis, has answers! Meaning once event is over, there would be survivors, the Earth would remain the most habitable zone in the solar system for humans, and people the best positioned to repopulate it would be these survivors, and not far away Mars colonists. There are two main reasons for this: We cannot rule out the existence of habitats where life can metabolize on an uncolonized, untouched Mars surface. Many spacecraft have died trying to get to Mars. Or what about building a base on the Moon, or a space orbital colony? The moon was the first step. We simply have too many pressing needs on Earth and in the United States to spend money on such a frivolous venture. In fact, I’m pretty sure over the lifetime of this species, we have already spent that…. Nonetheless we definitely should not only explore but ultimately colonize Mars. Yet there are vital differences between Lewis and Clark's expedition and a Mars mission. Do we have enough time to win President Bush’s (I don’t remember which Bush) challenge to reach the moon again by 2020? Copyright ©, Singularity Education Group All Rights Reserved. Start studying Why We Shouldn't Go to Mars by Gregg Easterbrook. It is abundant with resources and suitable for exploitation to the benefit of humanity. The … But, we won’t know if a permanent presence is possible until we try. “I am a big believer in baby steps, so it makes a lot of sense to try to do something on the moon, and then move on to Mars.”. "So all of those, I think, are a sign of stepping up to use model organisms to answer some of the key questions for going to Mars," Robinson said. We are the only life in this solar system that has the capability to exploit it. Compare that time to the protracted time colonists of the moon would require getting accustomed to its gravity, which is just one-sixth of gravity on Earth. Scientist Stephen Hawking claims that humans need to colonize planets in the next 1,000 years to ensure survival. Only 10 million species have been documented, out of at least one thousand billions, out of which 100,000 have been DNA-sequenced, which is 0.00001% of the total! Because it is that pull, that unknown, that prospect of adventure that compels humans to seek new frontiers to explore. Chris McKay, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Center, maintains that the only plausible economic motivation for a Martian colony is for it to serve as a government base, downplaying the possibility of either tourism or mining operations playing that role. There is also no edible food and very little available water. To Understand Earth: Mars is the planet in our solar system that is most similar to Earth. THIS has been thoughouly debunked. “We are not going to go to the moon or Mars because of population pressure,” he explained. “It is really because we have an innate desire to explore.” Lichens, which are multi-cellular lifeforms, did the trick as well! Yet we still have hunger. Tattoo artists tell you why you shouldn't get a tattoo. Life could have originated on Earth and contaminated Mars through panspermia, or the other way around (as Mars had a liquid ocean before Earth did), or maybe life came from elsewhere and contaminated both planets. :P. 3 1. “I would agree that Mars is a much more scientifically interesting place,” said Ridley, although he acknowledges that he wouldn’t make a beeline for the planet. Would it not be a pity to make such an irreversible move just for that one-time adrenaline rush? And, the first group would be: the jonas brothers, the octomom, paris hilton, everyone from reality TV shows, Rush limbaugh, rosie odonnel, anne coulter, Al Franken, Paula Abdul, john hagee. Who wants to go to Mars?! Hint: Lockheed Martin aren’t involved in anti-hunger programs. She added that space tourism is unlikely to serve this purpose.

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