This will remove just the gedit package itself. Remove applications from Ubuntu Software Center (for desktop users) Remove applications using apt remove command; Remove snap applications in command line (intermediate to advanced users) Let’s see these steps one by one. If you’ve worked extensively with conventional operating systems, it can be challenging to have to work in a command-line interface. sudo apt-get remove gedit. To uninstall Mate desktop environment from Ubuntu 14.04, we will use PPA Purge command. Start the Software Center application. Uninstall an app on Ubuntu. While updating the Ubuntu system using the apt command, we may come across a scenario where some old repositories cause errors. Fortunately, Ubuntu – like many Linux systems – is open-source, thus there are many GUIs available. Once that's installed, apt should work again, and so apt-get install ubuntu-desktop will restore your system. Purging your config/data too For example, the following command uninstalls gimp and deletes all the configuration files, using the “ -- … Let us learn how to uninstall and remove Mate from Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. To uninstall a program, use the “apt-get” command, which is the general command for installing programs and manipulating installed programs. Subscribe to new posts by email, and keep updated with the latest news. Most can be installed using the apt-get package manager or the tasksel tool, as detailed in this guide. To uninstall other applications the desktop environment pulled in, you’ll probably want to visit the terminal and run the following command on Ubuntu or other Debian-based Linux distributions: sudo apt-get autoremove. If you want to remove them, you should remove yelp because it is obviously the main package of the two. After successful installation, log out and select the Budgie desktop option. Log in with your username and password and enjoy the beauty of budgie! ... sudo apt-get remove mate-* Uninstall gedit and its dependencies sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove gedit. In this article, we will demonstrate command-line as well as GUI methods to remove an apt repository or PPAs (Personal Package Archives). $ sudo apt install ubuntu-budgie-desktop. The only feasible option that remains is to remove such repositories. We already saw how to create Debian packages, now we’ll see how to remove them.Removing packages in Debian or Ubuntu Linux from the console is very easy, your user must be in the sudoers or you’ll need root access.. Identify the package to delete: dpkg –list dpkg –-list will show you a list of packages, in this case the distribution used for the image is Kali Linux. Of course, the sudo command needs to be placed before everything else to carry out superuser tasks. If you like what we do, please send us a donation to help us with the costs to run this site. An email will be sent when a new post is published. To uninstall an app, we can use the apt-get command, which is also used to install apps, followed by remove. Method 1: Remove applications using Ubuntu Software Center. This will remove the gedit package and any other dependant packages which are no longer needed. Uninstall vsftpd and its dependencies sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove vsftpd This will remove the vsftpd package and any other dependant packages which are no longer needed. Remove Ubuntu Desktop completely $~: sudo apt purge ubuntu-desktop -y && sudo apt autoremove -y && sudo apt autoclean; Done! (If apt-get still doesn't work, you might also need to … This is how to do it. Also Read: How To Install Mate Desktop Envirotment in Ubuntu Systems. This is why I decided to completely remove it from my server.

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