South Vietnam maintained a capitalist free-market economy with ties to the West. South Vietnam had the following Ministries: The Republic of Vietnam Military Forces (RVNMF; Vietnamese: Quân lực Việt Nam Cộng hòa – QLVNCH), was formally established on 30 December 1955. In addition to the Viet Cong in South Vietnam, other communist insurgencies also operated within neighboring Kingdom of Laos and Khmer Republic, both formerly part of the French colonial territory of Indochina. With the French gone, a return to the traditional power struggle between north and south had begun again. He was re-elected unopposed in 1971, receiving a suspiciously high 94% of the vote on an 87% turn-out. Television was introduced to South Vietnam on 7 February 1966 with black-and-white FCC system. Writing in The Christian Science Monitor in 1970, Dan Sutherland remarked: "Under its new press law, South Vietnam now has one of the freest presses in Southeast Asia, and the daily paper with the biggest circulation here happens to be sharply critical of President Thieu ... since the new press law was promulgated nine months ago, the government has not been able to close down Tin Sang or any other newspaper among the more than 30 now being published in Saigon. Radio Vietnam started its operation in 1955 under then President Ngo Dinh Diem, and ceased operation on 30 April 1975, with the broadcast of surrender by Duong Van Minh. South Vietnam had diplomatic relations with the following countries: Australia, Brazil, Cambodia (until 1963 and then from 1970), Canada, Republic of China (Taiwan), France, Indonesia (until 1964), Iran, Japan, Laos, New Zealand, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, the Vatican and West Germany. With the support of the United States government and the CIA, ARVN officers led by General Dương Văn Minh staged a coup and killed him in 1963. In Vietnam, the North's red flag replaced their yellow one. Vietnam War (1954–75), conflict that pitted the communist government of North Vietnam and its allies in South Vietnam, the Viet Cong, against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States. "[16] The report, later excerpted in The Pentagon Papers, continued: The Diệm government lost support among the populace, and from the Kennedy administration, due to its repression of Buddhists and military defeats by the Việt Cộng. In South Vietnam there was the suppression of various sects and their independent armies (line 219), rebellions of minorities (lines 222 to 223), the pre-Vietnam War communist inspired guerrilla war directed by North Vietnam from 1954 through 1959 (lines 227 and 228), and the incursion into Cambodia (line 239). The event, which runs from January 25 to February 2, will see the Communist Party of Vietnam draft a new five-year economic plan and overhaul most of its key leadership positions. As a consequence, Thiệu ordered a withdrawal of key army units from the Central Highlands, which exacerbated an already perilous military situation and undermined the confidence of the ARVN soldiers in their leadership. Vietnam, a one-party Communist state, has one of south-east Asia's fastest-growing economies and has set its sights on becoming a developed nation by 2020. ", In October 1956 Diệm, with US prodding, launched a land reform program restricting rice farm sizes to a maximum of 247 acres per landowner with the excess land to be sold to landless peasants. He launched an anti-communist denunciation campaign (To Cong) against the Việt Cộng. After the wars, Vietnam was eventually officially named a communist country in 1975. Despite a truce agreement under the Paris Peace Accords, concluded in January 1973, after a torturous five years of on and off negotiations, fighting continued almost immediately afterwards. Coup attempts followed in September and February 1965, the latter resulting in Air Marshal Nguyễn Cao Kỳ becoming prime minister and General Nguyễn Văn Thiệu becoming nominal head of state. Vietnam (Socialist Republic of Vietnam) Since the country's independence, communism has played a key role in Vietnamese politics. A decade after unification Vietnam still remained impoverished. It had membership in several special committees of the United Nations, but its application for full membership was rejected in 1957 because of a Soviet veto (neither South nor North Vietnam were members of the UN during the Vietnam War, but the united Vietnam became a member state in 1977). President Thiệu later abandoned Phuoc Long in early January 1975. [11]:280–4 With US involvement in the Vietnam War, the English language was also later introduced to the armed forces and became a secondary diplomatic language. [2][3] South Vietnam succeeded the State of Vietnam after 1954 Geneva Conference, which consisted of the southern third of Vietnam which was Cochinchina (Nam Kỳ) – a former French colony, and the southern half of central Vietnam or Annam (Trung Kỳ) – a former French protectorate. To accomplish unification, North Vietnam planned a twofold strategy: escalate fighting (dau tranh) and install a communist dominated government. Both its government and economy were strictly central-controlled. Diệm had never truly supported reform because many of his biggest supporters were the country's largest landowners. Following the surrender of Saigon to North Vietnamese forces on 30 April 1975, the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam officially became the government of South Vietnam, which merged with the Democratic Republic of Vietnam to create the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on 2 July 1976.[20]. Under pressure from the US, they held elections for president and the legislature in 1967. South Vietnam was divided into forty-four provinces: The South was divided into coastal lowlands, the mountainous Central Highlands (Cao-nguyen Trung-phan) and the Mekong Delta. In … The United States justified the conflict as a means to stop the spread of communism during the Cold War. An iconic image of the evacuation is the widely seen footage of empty Huey helicopters being jettisoned over the side of the carriers, to provide more room on the ship's deck for more evacuees to land. Some of these areas are in effect denied to all government authority not immediately backed by substantial armed force. Before World War II, the southern third of Vietnam was the concession (nhượng địa) of Cochinchina, which was administered as part of French Indochina. A plan to improve logistics was prepared so that the PAVN would be able to launch a massive invasion of the South, projected for 1976. While the US threatened to cut aid unless land reform and other changes were made, Diệm correctly assessed that the US was bluffing.[14]:16. More than 1.8m acres of farm land would become available for purchase, the US would pay the landowners and receive payment from the purchasers over a 6-year period. South Vietnam launched an invasion of North Vietnamese bases in Laos in February/March 1971 and were defeated by the PAVN in what was widely regarded as a setback for Vietnamization. [citation needed]. Apart from the mainland, the Republic of Vietnam also administered parts of the Paracels and Spratly Islands. Before that, Vietnam has also established diplomatic relations with all countries by 2000. A regular bombing campaign over North Vietnam was conducted by offshore US Navy airplanes, warships, and aircraft carriers joined by Air Force squadrons through 1966 and 1967. [32] Inflation rose to 200 percent as the country suffered economic shock due to the decrease of American aid as well as the oil price shock of October 1973. [8], In July 1955, Diệm announced in a broadcast that South Vietnam would not participate in the elections specified in the Geneva Accords. After communist North Vietnam defeated the U.S.-backed South in 1975, scores of South Vietnamese refugees resettled in America. The North was known as the "Democratic Republic of Vietnam". A gas pipeline would be built from North Vietnam to the Việt Cộng provisional capital in Lộc Ninh, about 60 miles (97 km) north of Saigon. Thiệu requested aid from US President Gerald Ford, but the US Senate would not release extra money to provide aid to South Vietnam, and had already passed laws to prevent further involvement in Vietnam. North Vietnam would be ruled by Ho Chi Minh’s communist government and South Vietnam would be led by emperor Bao Dai. [31] During the same period, rice output increased by 203 percent and the number of students in university increased from 2,000 to 90,000. Thanks to Doi Moi, Vietnam has seen a rapid economic growth in various fields from agriculture, construction to exports and investment with an average annual GDP growth of roughly 7% up to the global financial crisis in 2008 and remained more than 5% since 2010, making Vietnam one of the world’s fastest growing economies. The North was known as the "Democratic Republic of Vietnam". 7. In return, non-communist Vietnamese nationalists formed a rival anti-communist government in the South in 1949 called “State of Vietnam” led by former emperor Bao Dai, which would become known as South Vietnam following 1954 Geneva Accords which temporarily divided Vietnam into North and South Vietnam. Many of the evacuees were taken directly by helicopter to multiple aircraft carriers waiting off the coast. Diệm attempted to stabilise South Vietnam by defending against Việt Cộng activities. [22]:218, The South Vietnamese government was regularly accused of holding large quantity of political prisoners, of which the exact number was a source of contention. Pictured: Delegates arrive to attend the closing ceremony of the Communist Party of Vietnam 13th National Congress in Hanoi on Feb. 1. about territorial disputes with China. Five communist states remain in the world today: China, Cuba, North Korea, Laos, and Vietnam. The economic reforms, together with rapid and significant growth, earned Vietnam a place in the World Trade Organization in January 2007, after 12 years of negotiations. South Africa. Finally, in January 1973 a peace treaty was signed by the United States and all three Vietnamese parties (North Vietnam, South Vietnam, and the Viet Cong). [7] The term "South Vietnam" became common usage in 1954, when the Geneva Conference provisionally partitioned Vietnam into communist and non-communist parts. After two clashes that left 55 South Vietnamese soldiers dead, President Thiệu announced on 4 January 1974 that the war had restarted and that the Paris Peace Accord was no longer in effect. Communist forces overran Saigon on 30 April 1975, marking the end of the Republic of Vietnam. Thieu quickly consolidated power much to the dismay of those who hoped for an era of more political openness. After only one week in office, the South Vietnamese national assembly voted to hand over the presidency to General Dương Văn Minh. Việt Nam (Vietnamese pronunciation: [vjə̀tnam]) was the name adopted by Emperor Gia Long in 1804. Current General Secretary Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong has served as president of Vietnam since 2018 and is expected to step down from his role as head of party as he has completed his two-term limit. Vietnam’s ruling Communist Party is set to convene its 13th National Congress on January 25 to select its next general secretary among other leaders. This sparked three decades of wars between North and South Vietnam. [11]:239 On 26 October 1955, Diệm declared himself the president of the newly proclaimed Republic of Vietnam. Morale was low in South Vietnam as the PAVN advanced. Diệm, however, viewed the election as a test of authority. In turn, that has helped Vietnam’s economy outstrip much of Asia in the past year. The northern third of Vietnam (then the colony (thuộc địa) of Tonkin (Bắc Kỳ) was under a French resident general (thống sứ). With this in mind, in March 1958, the North suggested holding new talks with the South to iron out their differences and plan for an eventual reunification.

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